id); if ($email_check == '') { return true; } else { $this->errormsg[] = $email_check; $this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = Config::lang('pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error1'); return false; } } protected function no_domain_field() { # PFAHandler die()s if domain field is not set. Disable this behaviour for AdminHandler. } # init $this->struct, $this->db_table and $this->id_field protected function initStruct() { # NOTE: There are dependencies between domains and domain_count # NOTE: If you disable "display in list" for domain_count, the SQL query for domains might break. # NOTE: (Disabling both shouldn't be a problem.) # TODO: move to a db_group_concat() function? if (db_pgsql()) { $domains_grouped = "array_to_string(array_agg(domain), ',')"; } else { # mysql $domains_grouped = 'group_concat(domain)'; } $passwordReset = (int) Config::bool('forgotten_admin_password_reset'); $reset_by_sms = 0; if ($passwordReset && Config::read('sms_send_function')) { $reset_by_sms = 1; } $this->struct=array( # field name allow display in... type $PALANG label $PALANG description default / options / ... # editing? form list 'username' => pacol($this->new, 1, 1, 'text', 'admin' , 'email_address' , '', array(), array('linkto' => 'list.php?table=domain&username=%s') ), 'password' => pacol(1, 1, 0, 'pass', 'password' , '' ), 'password2' => pacol(1, 1, 0, 'pass', 'password_again' , '' , '', array(), /*not_in_db*/ 0, /*dont_write_to_db*/ 1, /*select*/ 'password as password2' ), 'superadmin' => pacol(1, 1, 0, 'bool', 'super_admin' , 'super_admin_desc' , 0 # TODO: (finally) replace the ALL domain with a column in the admin table # TODO: current status: 'superadmin' column exists and is written when storing an admin with AdminHandler, # TODO: but the superadmin status is still (additionally) stored in the domain_admins table ("ALL" dummy domain) # TODO: to keep the database backwards-compatible with 2.3.x. # TODO: Note: superadmins created with 2.3.x after running upgrade_1284() will not work until you re-run upgrade_1284() # TODO: Create them with the trunk version to avoid this problem. ), 'domains' => pacol(1, 1, 0, 'list', 'domain' , '' , array(), list_domains(), /*not_in_db*/ 0, /*dont_write_to_db*/ 1, /*select*/ "coalesce(domains,'') as domains" /*extrafrom set in domain_count*/ ), 'domain_count' => pacol(0, 0, 1, 'vnum', 'pAdminList_admin_count', '' , '', array(), /*not_in_db*/ 0, /*dont_write_to_db*/ 1, /*select*/ 'coalesce(__domain_count,0) as domain_count', /*extrafrom*/ 'LEFT JOIN ( ' . ' SELECT count(*) AS __domain_count, ' . $domains_grouped . ' AS domains, username AS __domain_username ' . ' FROM ' . table_by_key('domain_admins') . " WHERE domain != 'ALL' GROUP BY username " . ' ) AS __domain on username = __domain_username'), 'active' => pacol(1, 1, 1, 'bool', 'active' , '' , 1 ), 'phone' => pacol(1, $reset_by_sms, 0, 'text', 'pCreate_mailbox_phone', 'pCreate_mailbox_phone_desc', ''), 'email_other' => pacol(1, $passwordReset, 0, 'mail', 'pCreate_mailbox_email', 'pCreate_mailbox_email_desc', ''), 'token' => pacol(1, 0, 0, 'text', '' , '' ), 'token_validity' => pacol(1, 0, 0, 'ts', '' , '', date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())), 'created' => pacol(0, 0, 0, 'ts', 'created' , '' ), 'modified' => pacol(0, 0, 1, 'ts', 'last_modified' , '' ), ); } protected function initMsg() { $this->msg['error_already_exists'] = 'admin_already_exists'; $this->msg['error_does_not_exist'] = 'admin_does_not_exist'; $this->msg['confirm_delete'] = 'confirm_delete_admin'; if ($this->new) { $this->msg['logname'] = 'create_admin'; $this->msg['store_error'] = 'pAdminCreate_admin_result_error'; $this->msg['successmessage'] = 'pAdminCreate_admin_result_success'; } else { $this->msg['logname'] = 'edit_admin'; $this->msg['store_error'] = 'pAdminEdit_admin_result_error'; $this->msg['successmessage'] = 'pAdminEdit_admin_result_success'; } } public function webformConfig() { return array( # $PALANG labels 'formtitle_create' => 'pAdminCreate_admin_welcome', 'formtitle_edit' => 'pAdminEdit_admin_welcome', 'create_button' => 'pAdminCreate_admin_button', # various settings 'required_role' => 'global-admin', 'listview' => 'list.php?table=admin', 'early_init' => 0, ); } /** * called by $this->store() after storing $this->values in the database * can be used to update additional tables, call scripts etc. */ protected function postSave(): bool { # store list of allowed domains in the domain_admins table if (isset($this->values['domains'])) { if (is_array($this->values['domains'])) { $domains = $this->values['domains']; } elseif ($this->values['domains'] == '') { $domains = array(); } else { $domains = explode(',', $this->values['domains']); } db_delete('domain_admins', 'username', $this->id, "AND domain != 'ALL'"); foreach ($domains as $domain) { $values = array( 'username' => $this->id, 'domain' => $domain, ); db_insert('domain_admins', $values, array('created')); # TODO: check for errors } } # Temporary workaround to keep the database compatible with 2.3.x if (isset($this->values['superadmin'])) { if ($this->values['superadmin'] == 1) { $values = array( 'username' => $this->id, 'domain' => 'ALL', ); $where = db_where_clause(array('username' => $this->id, 'domain' => 'ALL'), $this->struct); $result = db_query_one("SELECT username from " . table_by_key('domain_admins') . " " . $where); if (empty($result)) { db_insert('domain_admins', $values, array('created')); # TODO: check for errors } } else { db_delete('domain_admins', 'username', $this->id, "AND domain = 'ALL'"); } } return true; # TODO: don't hardcode } protected function read_from_db_postprocess($db_result) { foreach ($db_result as $key => $row) { # convert 'domains' field to an array if ($row['domains'] == '') { $db_result[$key]['domains'] = array(); } else { $db_result[$key]['domains'] = explode(',', $row['domains']); } if ($row['superadmin']) { $db_result[$key]['domain_count'] = Config::lang('super_admin'); } } return $db_result; } /** * @return bool */ public function delete() { if (! $this->view()) { $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']); return false; } db_delete('domain_admins', $this->id_field, $this->id); db_delete($this->db_table, $this->id_field, $this->id); db_log('admin', 'delete_admin', $this->id); # TODO delete_admin is not a valid db_log keyword yet, and 'admin' is not displayed in viewlog.php $this->infomsg[] = Config::Lang_f('pDelete_delete_success', $this->id); return true; } # TODO: generate password if $new, no password specified and $CONF['generate_password'] is set # TODO: except if $this->admin_username == setup.php --- this exception should be handled directly in setup.php ("if $values['password'] == '' error_out") /** * compare password / password2 field * error message will be displayed at the password2 field */ protected function _validate_password2($field, $val) { return $this->compare_password_fields('password', 'password2'); } } /* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */