mirror of https://github.com/postfixadmin/postfixadmin.git synced 2024-09-19 19:22:14 +02:00
John Fawcett 668960ccf6 Add a flag to mailbox table for enable/disable smtp protocol. The table column name
is "smtp_active". This enables use of this flag instead of active flag for postfix
mysql queries. There is a new configuration parameter $CONF['smtp_active_flag'] =
YES or NO, which defaults to NO, providing the existing behaviour. When set to YES
the active_smtp field is displayed in the edit mode and can be modified.
The commit includes update to the language files and documentation.

The commit does not include the code to add the field to existing installs,
which I presume can be added during the release cycle in upgrade.php along the
lines of:

_db_add_field('mailbox',  'smtp_active', 'int DEFAULT 1');
2024-01-09 20:50:49 +01:00

514 lines
32 KiB

// Language file Romanian
// by Dan < dmarican at gmail dot com>
$PALANG['YES'] = 'DA';
$PALANG['NO'] = 'NU';
$PALANG['edit'] = 'edit';
$PALANG['del'] = 'sterg';
$PALANG['exit'] = 'Iesire';
$PALANG['cancel'] = 'Renunt';
$PALANG['save'] = 'Salvare schimbari';
$PALANG['confirm'] = 'Sunteti sigur ca doriti stergerea?\n';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_admin'] = 'Doriti stergerea contului de administrator %s?';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_alias'] = 'Doriti stergerea contului de alias %s?';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_aliasdomain'] = 'Doriti stergerea domeniului alias %s?';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_domain'] = 'Doriti stergerea tuturor inregistrarilor din domeniul %s? Operatia este ireversibila!';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_dkim'] = 'Do you really want to delete the domain key entry %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_fetchmail'] = 'Doriti stergerea job-ului de fetchmail %s?';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_mailbox'] = 'Doriti stergerea casutei %s?';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_vacation'] = 'Doriti stergerea mesajului de vacanta pentru %s?';
$PALANG['no_delete_permissions'] = 'Nu sunteti autorizat sa stergeti %s!';
$PALANG['check_update'] = 'Verificare actualizari';
$PALANG['invalid_parameter'] = 'Parametru invalid!';
$PALANG['show'] = 'Arata:';
$PALANG['all'] = 'Toate';
$PALANG['created'] = 'Creat';
$PALANG['unknown'] = 'necunoscut';
$PALANG['download_csv'] = 'Descarca lista ca fisier CSV';
$PALANG['missing_field'] = 'Campul %s lipseste';
$PALANG['must_be_numeric'] = '%s trebuie sa fie numeric';
$PALANG['must_be_numeric_bigger_than_null'] = '%s trebuie sa fie numeric si mai mare decat 0';
$PALANG['must_be_boolean'] = '%s trebuie sa fie boolean';
$PALANG['invalid_value_given'] = 'Valoare gresita pentru %s';
$PALANG['edit_not_allowed'] = 'Nu sunteti autorizat sa editati %s';
$PALANG['searchparams'] = 'Parametri de cautare:';
$PALANG['pFooter_logged_as'] = 'Logat ca %s';
$PALANG['pLogin_welcome'] = 'Conectare pentru administratorii de domeniu';
$PALANG['pLogin_username'] = 'Login (email)';
$PALANG['password'] = 'Parola';
$PALANG['pLogin_language'] = 'Limba';
$PALANG['pLogin_button'] = 'Login';
$PALANG['pLogin_failed'] = 'Adresa de email sau parola nu sunt corecte';
$PALANG['pLogin_login_users'] = 'Sectiunea de login pentru utilizatori';
$PALANG['pMenu_main'] = 'Principal';
$PALANG['pMenu_overview'] = 'Vizualizare';
$PALANG['add_alias'] = 'Adauga Alias';
$PALANG['add_alias_domain'] = 'Adauga Alias Domain';
$PALANG['add_mailbox'] = 'Adauga Mailbox';
$PALANG['pMenu_fetchmail'] = 'Fetch Email';
$PALANG['pMenu_sendmail'] = 'Trimite Email';
$PALANG['pMenu_dkim'] = 'Domain Keys'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_dkim_signing'] = 'Signing Table'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_password'] = 'Parola';
$PALANG['pMenu_viewlog'] = 'Vizualizare Log';
$PALANG['pMenu_logout'] = 'Deconectare';
$PALANG['pMain_welcome'] = 'Bine ati venit la Postfix Admin!';
$PALANG['pMain_overview'] = 'Lista alias-uri si casute de mail. De aici le puteti edita / sterge'; # XXX Text changed to "List your domains. You can edit / delete them from here."
$PALANG['pMain_create_alias'] = 'Creati un alias'; # XXX Text changed to "Create a new email forward."
$PALANG['pMain_create_mailbox'] = 'Creati o casuta de mail'; # XXX Text changed to "Create a new mailbox."
$PALANG['pMain_sendmail'] = 'Trimiteti un email catre o casuta nou creata.';
$PALANG['pMain_password'] = 'Schimbati parola contului de administrare.';
$PALANG['pMain_viewlog'] = 'Vizualizati log-uri.';
$PALANG['pMain_logout'] = 'Deconectare';
$PALANG['pOverview_disabled'] = 'Dezactivat';
$PALANG['pOverview_unlimited'] = 'Nelimitat';
$PALANG['pOverview_title'] = ':: Domenii definite';
$PALANG['pOverview_up_arrow'] = 'Mergi sus';
$PALANG['pOverview_right_arrow'] = 'Pagina urmatoare';
$PALANG['pOverview_left_arrow'] = 'Pagina anterioara';
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_domain_title'] = ':: alias-urile domeniului';
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_title'] = ':: Alias-uri';
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_title'] = ':: Casute';
$PALANG['go'] = 'Mergi';
$PALANG['pOverview_welcome'] = 'Vizualizare pentru ';
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_domain_aliases'] = 'Domenii alias';
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_address'] = 'De la';
$PALANG['active'] = 'Activ';
$PALANG['smtp_active'] = 'Smtp';
$PALANG['and_x_more'] = '[inca %s ...]';
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_username'] = 'Email';
$PALANG['name'] = 'Nume';
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_quota'] = 'dimensiune (MB)';
$PALANG['pOverview_vacation_edit'] = 'Mod vacanta pornit';
$PALANG['pOverview_vacation_option'] = 'Setare mod vacanta';
$PALANG['no_domains_for_this_admin'] = 'Nu aveti permisiuni pentru nici un domeniu';
$PALANG['no_domains_exist'] = 'Trebuie sa creati cel putin un domeniu inainte sa puteti utiliza virtual list.'; # "virtual list" should match $PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_virtual']
$PALANG['domain'] = 'Domeniu';
$PALANG['pOverview_get_alias_domains'] = 'Aliasuri domeniu';
$PALANG['mailboxes'] = 'Casute email';
$PALANG['pOverview_get_quota'] = 'Marime casute (MB)';
$PALANG['pDelete_delete_error'] = 'Nu pot sterge inregistrarea ';
$PALANG['pDelete_delete_success'] = '%s a fost sters.';
$PALANG['pDelete_domain_error'] = 'Domeniul nu este al dvs ';
$PALANG['pDelete_alias_error'] = 'Nu pot sterge aliasul ';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_welcome'] = 'Redirectionati adresele unui domeniu catre altul.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_alias'] = 'Domeniu alias';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_alias_text'] = 'Domeniul care receptioneaza mailurile.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_target'] = 'Domeniul destinatie';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_target_text'] = 'Domeniul unde ar trebui redirectionate mailurile.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error1'] = 'Nu puteti crea configuratia.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error2'] = 'Configuratia aleasa este gresita, alegeti alta!';
$PALANG['alias_domain_already_exists'] = 'Acest domeniu este deja domeniu alias!';
$PALANG['alias_domain_does_not_exist'] = 'Acest domeniu nu este domeniu alias!';
$PALANG['alias_domain_create_failed'] = 'Crearea domeniului alias %s a esuat!';
$PALANG['alias_domain_change_failed'] = 'Schimbarea domeniului alias %s a esuat!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error4'] = 'Toate domeniile au fost deja setate ca alias.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_success'] = 'Domeniul alias %s a fost creat.';
$PALANG['alias_domain_changed'] = 'Domeniul alias %s a fost schimbat.';
$PALANG['alias_domain_to_itsself'] = 'Domeniul nu poate fi domeniu alias pentru el insusi!';
$PALANG['delete_domain_aliasdomain_target'] = 'Domeniul %s este destinatia unuia sau mai multor domenii alias si nu poate fi sters! (Stergeti intai domeniile alias.)';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_address_text_error1'] = 'ALIAS nu este corect!';
$PALANG['alias_does_not_exist'] = 'Acest alias nu exista!';
$PALANG['email_address_already_exists'] = 'Aceasta adresa exista deja, alegeti alta!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_address_text_error3'] = 'Ati atins limita pentru creare aliasuri!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_goto_text'] = 'Unde trebuie trimis mailul.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_goto_text_error'] = 'Campul Catre: nu este valid!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_result_error'] = 'Crearea aliasului %s a esuat!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_result_success'] = 'Aliasul %s a fost creat!';
$PALANG['alias_updated'] = 'Aliasul %s a fost modificat!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_catchall_text'] = 'Puteti crea un alias pentru adrese multiple prin folosirea "*".'; # XXX don't propagate usage of *@target-domain.com for domain-aliasing any longer
$PALANG['mailbox_alias_cant_be_deleted'] = 'Acest alias apartine unei casute si nu poate fi sters!';
$PALANG['protected_alias_cant_be_deleted'] = 'The alias %s is protected and can only be deleted by a superadmin'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_points_to_itself'] = 'Alias may not point to itself'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_welcome'] = 'Editeaza setarile de redirectionare';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_help'] = 'Se accepta inregistrari multiple, cate una pe linie.';
$PALANG['alias'] = 'Alias';
$PALANG['to'] = 'Catre';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error1'] = 'Nu ati completat campul Catre:';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error2'] = 'Adresa de mail introdusa nu este valida: ';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_domain_result_error'] = 'Nu pot modifica domeniul alias!';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_forward_and_store'] = 'Livreaza catre casuta de mail locala.';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_forward_only'] = 'Redirectioneaza numai catre adresa de mail specificata.';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_result_error'] = 'Modificarea aliasului %s a esuat!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_welcome'] = 'Creaza o noua casuta de mail.';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_local_part_error'] = 'Should be the bit before the @ sign.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error1'] = 'EMAIL nu este valid!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error3'] = 'Ati atins limita pentru creare de noi casute de mail!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_password_text'] = 'Parola de la POP3/IMAP';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_name_text'] = 'Numele complet';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_phone'] = 'Mobile phone'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_phone_desc'] = "Used to send a SMS if the password is forgotten"; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_email'] = 'Other e-mail'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_email_desc'] = "Used if the password is forgotten"; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_mail'] = 'Trimite mesaj de intampinare';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_error'] = 'Crearea casutei de mail %s a esuat!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_success'] = 'Casuta de mail %s a fost adaugata cu succes.';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_succes_nosubfolders'] = 'Casuta de mail %s a fost adaugata, dar niciunul (sau cateva) din sub-foldere n-au putut fi create.';
$PALANG['mailbox_updated'] = "Casuta de mail %s a fost actualizata.";
$PALANG['mailbox_update_failed'] = "Actualizarea casutei de mail %s a esuat!";
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_welcome'] = 'Editeaza casuta de email.';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_username'] = 'Nume utilizator';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_password_text_error'] = 'Parolele nu sunt identice!';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota'] = 'Marime';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota_text'] = 'MB';
$PALANG['mb_max'] = 'MB (max: %s)';
$PALANG['mb_max_unlimited'] = 'MB (max: unlimited)'; # XXX
$PALANG['mb_max_disabled'] = 'MB (max: disabled)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota_text_error'] = 'Marimea specificata este prea mare!';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_domain_error'] = 'Acest domeniu nu este al dvs: ';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_result_error'] = 'Nu se poate actualiza casuta de mail!';
$PALANG['pPassword_welcome'] = 'Schimbati parola de conectare';
$PALANG['pPassword_admin'] = 'Login';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_current'] = 'Parola curenta';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_current_text_error'] = 'Nu ati specificat parola curenta!';
$PALANG['pPassword_password'] = 'Parola noua';
$PALANG['pPassword_password2'] = 'Parola noua (din nou)';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_text_error'] = 'Parolele nu sunt identice sau nu le-ati introdus!';
$PALANG['change_password'] = 'Schimbare parola';
$PALANG['pPassword_result_error'] = 'Schimbarea parolei pentru %s a esuat!';
$PALANG['pPassword_result_success'] = 'Parola pentru %s a fost schimbata.';
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_title'] = 'Follow the instructions to reset your password.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_button'] = 'Send me the code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_email_body'] = "Hello,\n\nUse the following link to change your email password :\n%s\n\nRegards,\n\n" . $CONF['admin_name']; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_sms_body'] = "Hello,\nThe code to change your password is: %s\n" . $CONF['admin_name']; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_processed'] = "We processed your request. If you entered a valid username, you'll receive an email/SMS with a password code."; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_password_code'] = 'Code sent by email/SMS'; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_code_text_error'] = 'Invalid code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_vacation_set'] = 'Schimbare / Setare mesaj vacanta';
$PALANG['pEdit_vacation_remove'] = 'Stergere mesaj vacanta';
$PALANG['pVacation_result_error'] = 'Modificarea setarilor autoraspuns pentru %s a esuat';
$PALANG['pVacation_result_removed'] = 'Raspuns automat pentru %s a fost dezactivat!';
$PALANG['pVacation_result_added'] = 'Raspuns automat pentru %s a fost activat!';
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_type'] = 'Raspuns';
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_delay_time'] = 'Timp interval';
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_delay_time_text'] = 'Timp in secunde';
$PALANG['pVacation_until_before_today'] = 'Data [Active until] este setata inaintea datei de azi';
$PALANG['pVacation_until_before_from'] = 'Data [Active until] este setata inaintea datei [Active from]';
$PALANG['reply_once'] = 'Raspunde odata';
$PALANG['reply_every_mail'] = 'Raspunde la fiecare mail';
$PALANG['reply_once_per_day'] = 'Raspunde odata pe zi';
$PALANG['reply_once_per_week'] = 'Raspunde odata pe saptamana';
$PALANG['pViewlog_welcome'] = 'Vizualizati ultimele %s operatii pentru ';
$PALANG['pViewlog_welcome_all'] = 'View the last %s actions '; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_timestamp'] = 'Data si ora';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action'] = 'Operatie';
$PALANG['pViewlog_data'] = 'Detalii';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_domain'] = 'creare domeniu';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_domain'] = 'stergere domeniu';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_domain'] = 'editare domeniu';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_mailbox'] = 'creare casuta mail';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_mailbox'] = 'stergere casuta mail';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_mailbox'] = 'editare casuta mail';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_mailbox_state'] = 'editare stare casuta mail';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_alias'] = 'creare alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_alias_domain'] = 'creare domeniu alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_domain'] = 'editare domeniu alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_alias'] = 'stergere alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_alias_domain'] = 'stergere domeniu alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias'] = 'editare alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_state'] = 'editare stare alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_domain_state'] = 'editare stare domeniu alias';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_password'] = 'schimbare parola';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_admin'] = 'creare administrator';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_admin'] = 'editare administrator';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_admin'] = 'stergere administrator';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_vacation'] = 'editare mod vacanta';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_fetchmail'] = 'creare job fetchmail';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_fetchmail'] = 'editare job fetchmail';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_fetchmail'] = 'stergere job fetchmail';
$PALANG['pViewlog_result_error'] = 'Nu pot gasi logurile!';
$PALANG['pSendmail_welcome'] = 'Trimite un mesaj.';
$PALANG['from'] = 'De la';
$PALANG['pSendmail_to'] = 'Catre';
$PALANG['pSendmail_to_text_error'] = 'Camp destinatar gol sau adresa de email nu este corecta!';
$PALANG['subject'] = 'Subiect';
$PALANG['pSendmail_subject_text'] = 'Bine ati venit';
$PALANG['pSendmail_body'] = 'Mesaj';
$PALANG['pSendmail_button'] = 'Trimite mesaj';
$PALANG['pSendmail_result_error'] = 'Nu pot trimite mesaj catre %s!';
$PALANG['pSendmail_result_success'] = 'Mesaj trimis catre %s.';
$PALANG['pDkim_new_key'] = 'Add Domain Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_new_sign'] = 'Add Sign Table Entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_edit_key'] = 'Edit Domain Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_edit_sign'] = 'Edit Sign Table Entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_selector'] = 'Selector'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pkey'] = 'Private Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pub'] = 'Public Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_author'] = 'Author'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_dkim_id'] = 'Domain Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_selector_desc'] = 'Defines the name of the selector to be used when signing messages'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_domain_desc'] = 'Defines the domain which will use this key for signing'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pkey_desc'] = 'PEM-formatted private key to be used for signing all messages'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pub_desc'] = 'PEM-formatted public key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_author_desc'] = 'Author that will use this key for signing. Can be either mailbox or domain, with mailbox taking precedence.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_dkim_id_desc'] = 'Domain Key that this author will use'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_already_exists'] = 'This Domain Key has already been added!'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_does_not_exist'] = 'This Domain Key does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_signing_already_exists'] = 'This Domain Signing Entry already exsits!'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_signing_does_not_exist'] = 'This Domain Signing Entry does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_dkim_entry'] = 'create domain key entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_dkim_entry'] = 'edit domain key entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_dkim_entry'] = 'delete domain key entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_dkim_signing_entry'] = 'create domain signing entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_dkim_signing_entry'] = 'edit domain signing entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_dkim_signing_entry'] = 'delete domain signing entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMain_dkim'] = 'Add a Domain Key for use with OpenDKIM.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_admin'] = 'Lista administratori';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_domain'] = 'Lista domenii';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_virtual'] = 'Lista virtuala';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_backup'] = 'Salvare';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_domain_admins'] = 'Administratori domeniu';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_admin'] = 'Administrator nou';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_domain'] = 'Domeniu nou';
$PALANG['pAdminList_admin_count'] = 'Domenii';
$PALANG['description'] = 'Descriere';
$PALANG['aliases'] = 'Aliasuri';
$PALANG['pAdminList_domain_quota'] = 'Marime implicita (MB)';
$PALANG['pAdminList_domain_backupmx'] = 'Backup MX';
$PALANG['last_modified'] = 'Ultima modificare';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_welcome'] = 'Adauga domeniu nou';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error'] = 'Domeniul exista deja!';
$PALANG['domain_does_not_exist'] = 'acest domeniu nu exista!';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error2'] = 'domeniu incorect!';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_defaultaliases'] = 'Adauga aliasurile de mail implicite';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_button'] = 'Adauga domeniu';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_result_error'] = 'Adaugarea domeniului %s nereusita!';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_result_success'] = 'Domeniul %s a fost adaugat.';
$PALANG['domain_updated'] = 'Domeniul %s a fost actualizat.';
$PALANG['pAdminDelete_admin_error'] = 'Nu pot sterge administratorul!';
$PALANG['domain_postdel_failed'] = 'Scripturile poststergere ale domeniului au esuat, verificati logurile pentru detalii!';
$PALANG['domain_postedit_failed'] = 'The domain postedit script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_postcreate_failed'] = 'Scripturile postcreare ale domeniului au esuat, verificati logurile pentru detalii!';
$PALANG['mailbox_postdel_failed'] = 'Scripturile poststergere ale casutei de email au esuat, verificati logurile pentru detalii!';
$PALANG['mailbox_postedit_failed'] = 'Scripturile posteditare ale casutei de mail au esuat, verificati logurile pentru detalii!';
$PALANG['mailbox_postcreate_failed'] = 'Scripturile postcreare ale casutei de email au esuat, verificati logurile pentru detalii!';
$PALANG['mailbox_postpassword_failed'] = 'The mailbox postpassword script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminDelete_alias_domain_error'] = 'Nu pot sterge domeniul alias!';
$PALANG['domain_conflict_vacation_domain'] = 'Nu puteti folosi domeniul vacanta ca domeniu de mail!';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_welcome'] = 'Modifica domeniul';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_aliases_text'] = '-1 = dezactivat | 0 = nelimitat';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota'] = 'Dimensiune maxima casuta email'; # TODO: add change comment in translation - or drop and use pAdminCreate_domain_maxquota
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota_text'] = 'MB | -1 = dezactivat | 0 = nelimitat';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_quota'] = 'Domain Quota';
$PALANG['transport'] = 'Transport';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_transport_text'] = 'Define transport';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_backupmx'] = 'Serverul este backup MX';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_result_error'] = 'Modificarea domeniului %s nereusita!';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_welcome'] = 'Adauga un nou administrator de domeniu';
$PALANG['email_address'] = 'Adresa email';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error1'] = 'Numele nu este o adresa de email valida!';
$PALANG['admin_already_exists'] = 'Administratorul exista deja!';
$PALANG['admin_does_not_exist'] = 'Administratorul nu exista!';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_button'] = 'Adauga administrator';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_error'] = 'Nu s-a reusit adaugarea administratorului %s !';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_success'] = 'Administratorul %s a fost adaugat!';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_welcome'] = 'Modifica un administrator de domeniu';
$PALANG['admin'] = 'Administrator';
$PALANG['password_again'] = 'Parola (din nou)';
$PALANG['super_admin'] = 'Super administrator';
$PALANG['super_admin_desc'] = 'Super administratorii au acces la toate domeniile, pot modifica domenii si conturi de administratori.';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_result_error'] = 'Modificarea administratorului %s nereusita!';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_result_success'] = 'Contul de administrator %s a fost modificat.';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_welcome'] = 'Schimbare parola si alias-uri utilizatori';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_username_incorrect'] = 'Nume cont incorect. Verificati introducerea corecta a adresei de email!';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_password_incorrect'] = 'Parola incorecta!';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_password_recover'] = 'I forgot my password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_vacation'] = 'Raspuns automat';
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_edit_alias'] = 'Redirectionare';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_vacation'] = 'Seteaza un mesaj autoraspuns sau mod vacanta.';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_vacationSet'] = 'Autoraspuns este PORNIT, click \'Autoraspuns\' pentru editare/stergere';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_edit_alias'] = 'Modificare redirectionare email.';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_password'] = 'Schimbare parola curenta.';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_welcome'] = 'Autoraspuns.';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_welcome_text'] = 'Autoraspuns pentru %s este activ!';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_subject_text'] = 'In vacanta';
$PALANG['message'] = 'Mesaj';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_body_text'] = <<<EOM
I will be away from <%From_Date> until <%Until_Date>.
For urgent matters you can contact <contact person>.
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_activefrom'] = 'Activ de la';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_activeuntil'] = 'Activ pana la';
$PALANG['pEdit_dbLog_editactive'] = 'schimba status activ';
$PALANG['pSearch'] = 'cauta';
$PALANG['pSearch_welcome'] = 'Cauta: ';
$PALANG['pReturn_to'] = 'Intoarcere la';
$PALANG['pBroadcast_title'] = 'Trimite mesaj pentru toti';
$PALANG['pBroadcast_name'] = 'Numele';
$PALANG['pBroadcast_success'] = 'A fost trimis mesajul la toti utilizatorii.';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_broadcast_message'] = 'Mesaj general';
$PALANG['pBroadcast_error_empty'] = 'Campurile Nume, Subiect si Mesaj nu pot fi goale!';
$PALANG['broadcast_mailboxes_only'] = 'Only send to mailboxes'; # XXX
$PALANG['broadcast_to_domains'] = 'Send to domains:'; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_undeliverable'] = 'probabil UNDELIVERABLE ';
$PALANG['pStatus_disabled'] = 'Account disabled '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_expired'] = 'Password expired '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_vacation'] = 'Vacation enabled '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_custom'] = 'Livreaza la ';
$PALANG['pStatus_popimap'] = 'POP/IMAP ';
$PALANG['password_too_short'] = "Parola prea scurta - minim %s caractere";
$PALANG['password_no_characters'] = "Parola trebuie sa contina cel putin %s litere."; # XXX text changed to "Your password must contain at least %s letters (A-Z, a-z)."
$PALANG['password_no_digits'] = "Parola trebuie sa contina cel putin %s cifre.";
$PALANG['password_no_special'] = "Your password must contain at least %s special character(s)."; # XXX
$PALANG['pInvalidDomainRegex'] = "Nume domeniu incorect %s, verificare regexp esuata";
$PALANG['pInvalidDomainDNS'] = "Nume domeniu incorect %s, si/sau nu se poate rezolva in DNS";
$PALANG['pInvalidMailRegex'] = "Adresa de mail incorecta %s, verificare regexp esuata";
$PALANG['pFetchmail_welcome'] = 'Importa mail pentru:';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_new_entry'] = 'Inregistrare noua';
$PALANG['fetchmail_already_exists'] = 'Acest serviciu de importare mail exista deja!';
$PALANG['fetchmail_does_not_exist'] = 'Acest serviciu de importare mail nu exista!';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_database_save_error'] = 'Nu se poate salva inregistrarea in baza de date!';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_database_save_success'] = 'Inregistrare salvata in baza de date.';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_error_invalid_id'] = 'Nu am gasit nici o integistrare cu ID %s !';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_invalid_mailbox'] = 'Casuta de mail incorecta!';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_server_missing'] = 'Introduceti numele serverului la distanta!';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_user_missing'] = 'Introduceti numele de utilizator la distanta!';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_password_missing'] = 'Introduceti parola la distanta!';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_id'] = 'ID';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_mailbox'] = 'Casuta de mail';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_server'] = 'Server';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_port'] = 'Port'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_auth'] = 'Tip de autentificare';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_user'] = 'User';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_password'] = $PALANG['password']; # needed until fetchmail is migrated into FetchmailHandler
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_folder'] = 'Folder';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_poll_time'] = 'Poll';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_fetchall'] = 'Importa toate';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_keep'] = 'Retine';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_protocol'] = 'Protocol';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_usessl'] = 'SSL activ';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslcertck'] = 'Verificare certificat SSL';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslcertpath'] = 'Calea catre certificatele SSL';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslfingerprint'] = 'suma de control SSL (md5)';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_extra_options'] = 'Extra Optiuni';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_mda'] = 'MDA';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_date'] = 'Data';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_returned_text'] = 'Text returnat';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_id'] = 'Inregistrare ID';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_mailbox'] = 'Casuta email locala';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_server'] = 'Server la distanta';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_port'] = 'Remote port number, if a non-standard remote port is needed. (0: use default)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_auth'] = 'Mostly \'password\''; # Translators: Please do NOT translate 'password' here
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_user'] = 'Utilizator la distanta';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_password'] = 'Parola la distanta';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_folder'] = 'Folder la distanta';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_poll_time'] = 'Poll la fiecare ... minute';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_fetchall'] = 'Importa toate mesajele vechi(vazute) si noi';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_keep'] = 'Retine mesajele importate si pe serverul la distanta';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_protocol'] = 'Protocol';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_usessl'] = 'Criptare SSL';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_extra_options'] = 'Extra optiuni';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_mda'] = 'Mail Delivery Agent';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_date'] = 'Data ultimei schimbari a configuratiei';
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_returned_text'] = 'Mesaj text';
$PALANG['dateformat_pgsql'] = 'YYYY-mm-dd'; # translators: rearrange to your local date format, but make sure it's a valid PostgreSQL date format
$PALANG['dateformat_mysql'] = '%Y-%m-%d'; # translators: rearrange to your local date format, but make sure it's a valid MySQL date format
$PALANG['password_expiration'] = 'Pass expires'; # XXX
$PALANG['password_expiration_desc'] = 'Date when password will expire'; # XXX
$PALANG['To_Mailbox'] = 'Mailbox'; # XXX # XXX
$PALANG['To_Forward_Only'] = 'Forward Only'; # XXX # XXX
$PALANG['pLegal_char_warning'] = 'Illegal character'; # XXX
$PALANG['copy'] = 'Copy'; # XXX
$PALANG['generate'] = 'Generate'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_security'] = 'Security'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_totp'] = 'TOTP'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_totp_exceptions'] = 'TOTP exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_app_passwords'] = 'Application passwords'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_totp_exceptions'] = 'Allow trusted IP-addresses to access your mailbox without TOTP'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_totp'] = 'Change TOTP'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_welcome'] = 'Setup your Time-based One-time Password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_totp'] = 'Setup your Time-based One-time Password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_secret'] = 'TOTP secret'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_code'] = 'TOTP code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_secret_result_error'] = 'Could not change TOTP secret'; # XXX
$PALANG['change_TOTP'] = 'Change TOTP settings'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_code_mismatch'] = 'Incorrect one-time-password entered'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_qr'] = 'TOTP QR-code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_confirm'] = 'Please confirm your login by providing your current TOTP code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_failed'] = 'Your entered code is not valid. Please use a current code.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_stored'] = 'You successfully confirmed your new TOTP secret.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_welcome'] = 'Add TOPT-exempt address'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_user'] = 'Username (or domain for admins)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_add'] = 'Add exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_address'] = 'IP-Address'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_description'] = 'Description'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_list'] = 'Existing exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_revoke'] = 'Revoke'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_revoked'] = 'Exception revoked'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exception_result_success'] = 'Exception added'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exception_result_error'] = 'Could not add exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_totp_exception_result_error'] = 'Unable to modify TOTP exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_ip_empty_error'] = 'IP cannot be empty'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_desc_empty_error'] = 'Description cannot be empty'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_user_entire_domain_error'] = 'Only admins can add exceptions for an entire domain.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_user_global_error'] = 'Only superadmins can add global exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_app_passwords'] = 'Setup revokable app passwords with reduced privileges'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_passwords_list'] = 'Existing application passwords'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_password_revoked'] = 'Exception revoked'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_passwords_welcome'] = 'Add application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAppPassAdd_result_success'] = 'Added an application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAppPassAdd_pass_empty_error'] = 'Password cannot be empty'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAppPassAdd_result_error'] = 'Could not add application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['MFA_submit'] = 'Confirm login'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_add_totp_exception'] = 'Add TOTP exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_totp_exception'] = 'Delete TOTP exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_add_app_password'] = 'Add application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postapppassword_failed'] = 'The mailbox postapppassword script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_post_totp_exception_delete_failed'] = 'The mailbox post totp exception delete script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_post_totp_exception_add_failed'] = 'The mailbox post totp exception add script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_post_TOTP_change_failed'] = 'The mailbox post totp secret change script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['TOTP_already_configured'] = 'TOTP is already configured for this account, do you want to change your secret?'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_passwords_add'] = 'Add application-specific password'; # XXX
$PALANG['please_keep_this_as_last_entry'] = ''; # needed for language-check.sh
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