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Frequently Asked Questions:
1) Why isn't PostfixAdmin creating my mailbox?
- PostfixAdmin is only a web interface for storing configuration settings.
It does not (by default!) have the ability to create mail folders on disk.
In a normal setup, sending the 'Welcome' email accomplishes this task -
as Courier/Cyrus/etc do it (and have permission to do so)
2) I've deleted the mailbox from PostfixAdmin, yet it still exists on disk? Why?
- This is related to #1 above - namely, PostfixAdmin (which is a php web
application) does not have permission to modify the mailbox files on disk.
You need to either manually remove the directories
(e.g. rm -Rf /var/spool/mail/vmail/something@example.org)
or install the postfixadmin-mailbox-postdeletion.sh script (See ADDITIONS/)
and modify config.inc.php appropriately.
3) How do I have to setup sudo to run the $CONF['*_script'] scripts?
- run visudo to edit the sudo configuration file
- add a line like this for every script you want to run:
wwwrun ALL = (courier) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/postfixadmin-mailbox-postcreation.sh
(replace usernames and path according to your setup)
4) I try and create a mailbox, but it keeps saying "Invalid email address"... ?
- Postfixadmin, by default, attempts to verify an email address is valid, partly by
checking that the domain exists. For most people this works as expected, but
if it doesn't for you, try editing $CONF['emailcheck_resolve_domain'] to 'NO' in
config.inc.php and try again.
5) Postfixadmin is telling me an error occurred, and I should look at the server error logs for more details. Where do I look?
- This depends on your server setup (distribution, how PHP is executed etc).
- Postfixadmin typically calls PHP's error_log() function to log some detail about errors. This may write to :
* /var/log/syslog
* /var/log/apache2/error.log
* /var/log/php7.4-fpm.log (or equivalent for your PHP version)
* or somewhere you may have manually configured.
You can change where it logs by adding something like :
ini_set('error_log', '/tmp/postfixadmin.log'); // example only
into config.local.php, or you can change your PHP configuration.
See also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5127838/where-does-php-store-the-error-log-php5-apache-fastcgi-cpanel