mirror of https://github.com/postfixadmin/postfixadmin.git synced 2024-09-19 19:22:14 +02:00
John Fawcett 668960ccf6 Add a flag to mailbox table for enable/disable smtp protocol. The table column name
is "smtp_active". This enables use of this flag instead of active flag for postfix
mysql queries. There is a new configuration parameter $CONF['smtp_active_flag'] =
YES or NO, which defaults to NO, providing the existing behaviour. When set to YES
the active_smtp field is displayed in the edit mode and can be modified.
The commit includes update to the language files and documentation.

The commit does not include the code to add the field to existing installs,
which I presume can be added during the release cycle in upgrade.php along the
lines of:

_db_add_field('mailbox',  'smtp_active', 'int DEFAULT 1');
2024-01-09 20:50:49 +01:00

502 lines
35 KiB

# $Id$
// Language file Icelandic
// by Gestur
$PALANG['YES'] = 'JÁ';
$PALANG['NO'] = 'NEI';
$PALANG['edit'] = 'skrifa í';
$PALANG['del'] = 'eyða';
$PALANG['exit'] = 'Exit'; # XXX
$PALANG['cancel'] = 'Cancel'; # XXX
$PALANG['save'] = 'Save changes'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm'] = 'Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu?\n';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_admin'] = 'Do you really want to delete the admin %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_alias'] = 'Do you really want to delete the alias %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_aliasdomain'] = 'Do you really want to delete the alias domain %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_domain'] = 'Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða öllu sem tengist þessu léni? Það er ekki hægt að bakka með aðgerðina!\n (%s)'; # XXX text changed to: 'Do you really want to delete all records for the domain %s? This can not be undone'
$PALANG['confirm_delete_dkim'] = 'Do you really want to delete the domain key entry %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_fetchmail'] = 'Do you really want to delete the fetchmail job %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_mailbox'] = 'Do you really want to delete the mailbox %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_vacation'] = 'Do you really want to delete the vacation message for %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['no_delete_permissions'] = 'You are not allowed to delete %s!'; # XXX
$PALANG['check_update'] = 'Check for update'; # XXX
$PALANG['invalid_parameter'] = 'Invalid parameter!'; # XXX
$PALANG['show'] = 'Show:'; # XXX
$PALANG['all'] = 'All'; # XXX
$PALANG['created'] = 'Created'; # XXX
$PALANG['unknown'] = 'unknown'; # XXX
$PALANG['download_csv'] = 'Download this list as CSV file'; # XXX
$PALANG['missing_field'] = 'Field %s is missing'; # XXX
$PALANG['must_be_numeric'] = '%s must be numeric'; # XXX
$PALANG['must_be_numeric_bigger_than_null'] = '%s must be numeric and bigger than 0'; # XXX
$PALANG['must_be_boolean'] = '%s must be boolean'; # XXX
$PALANG['invalid_value_given'] = 'Invalid value given for %s'; # XXX
$PALANG['edit_not_allowed'] = 'You are not allowed to edit %s'; # XXX
$PALANG['searchparams'] = 'Search parameters:'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFooter_logged_as'] = 'Logged as %s'; # XXX # XXX Text change: 'logged in as %s' (the 'in' was missing)
$PALANG['pLogin_welcome'] = 'Póst kerfisstjóri tengist hér til að viðhalda póstkerfi lénsins þins.';
$PALANG['pLogin_username'] = 'Auðkenni(email)'; # XXX check translation - should be "Login (email)"
$PALANG['password'] = 'Lykilorð';
$PALANG['pLogin_language'] = 'Language'; # XXX
$PALANG['pLogin_button'] = 'Tengjast'; # XXX compare with pUsersLogin_button - should be "Login"
$PALANG['pLogin_failed'] = 'Your email address or password are not correct.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pLogin_login_users'] = 'Notendur smellið hér til að opna almennt notendaviðmót.';
$PALANG['pMenu_main'] = 'Main'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_overview'] = 'Yfirlit';
$PALANG['add_alias'] = 'Bæta við alias';
$PALANG['add_alias_domain'] = 'Add Alias Domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['add_mailbox'] = 'Bæta við pósthólf'; # XXX check text - should be 'Add Mailbox'
$PALANG['pMenu_fetchmail'] = 'Fetch Email'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_sendmail'] = 'Senda Email';
$PALANG['pMenu_dkim'] = 'Domain Keys'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_dkim_signing'] = 'Signing Table'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_password'] = 'Lykilorð';
$PALANG['pMenu_viewlog'] = 'Skoða Log';
$PALANG['pMenu_logout'] = 'Aftengjast';
$PALANG['pMain_welcome'] = 'Velkomin í Postfix Kerfistólin!';
$PALANG['pMain_overview'] = 'Lista út aliasa og póstföng. Þú getur breytt / eytt og lagað hérna.'; # XXX Text changed to "List your domains. You can edit / delete them from here."
$PALANG['pMain_create_alias'] = 'Stofna nýjan alias fyrir lénið þitt.'; # XXX Text changed to "Create a new email forward."
$PALANG['pMain_create_mailbox'] = 'Stofna nýtt póstfang fyrir lénið þitt.'; # XXX Text changed to "Create a new mailbox."
$PALANG['pMain_sendmail'] = 'Senda tölvupóst til eins af nýju pósthólfin.';
$PALANG['pMain_password'] = 'Breyta lykilorðinu fyrir kerfisstjóra aðganginn.';
$PALANG['pMain_viewlog'] = 'Skoða log skrárnar.';
$PALANG['pMain_logout'] = 'Aftengjast frá kerfinu';
$PALANG['pOverview_disabled'] = 'Disabled'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_unlimited'] = 'Unlimited'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_title'] = ':: Defined Domains'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_up_arrow'] = 'Go Top'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_right_arrow'] = 'Next Page'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_left_arrow'] = 'Previous Page'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_domain_title'] = ':: Domain Aliases'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_title'] = ':: Alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_title'] = ':: Mailboxes'; # XXX
$PALANG['go'] = 'Áfram';
$PALANG['pOverview_welcome'] = 'Yfirlit fyrir ';
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_domain_aliases'] = 'Alias Domains'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_address'] = 'Póstur fyrir';
$PALANG['active'] = 'Virkt';
$PALANG['smtp_active'] = 'Smtp';
$PALANG['and_x_more'] = '[and %s more...]'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_username'] = 'Póstfang';
$PALANG['name'] = 'Nafn notanda'; # XXX check text - should be 'Name'
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_quota'] = 'Heimild kvóta (MB)';
$PALANG['pOverview_vacation_edit'] = 'VACATION IS ON'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_vacation_option'] = 'Set Vacation'; # XXX
$PALANG['no_domains_for_this_admin'] = 'You don\'t have permissions for any domains.'; # XXX
$PALANG['no_domains_exist'] = 'You have to create at least one domain before you can use virtual list.'; # "virtual list" should match $PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_virtual'] # XXX
$PALANG['domain'] = 'Lén';
$PALANG['pOverview_get_alias_domains'] = 'Domain Aliases'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailboxes'] = 'Póstbox';
$PALANG['pOverview_get_quota'] = 'Pósthólfs kvóti (MB)';
$PALANG['pDelete_delete_error'] = 'Get ekki eytt færslunni ';
$PALANG['pDelete_delete_success'] = '%s deleted.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDelete_domain_error'] = 'Þetta er ekki þitt lén ';
$PALANG['pDelete_alias_error'] = 'Unable to delete alias '; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_welcome'] = 'Mirror addresses of one of your domains to another.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_alias'] = 'Alias Domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_alias_text'] = 'The domain that mails come in for.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_target'] = 'Target Domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_target_text'] = 'The domain where mails should go to.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error1'] = 'You are not allowed to create the chosen configuration.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error2'] = 'The chosen configuration is invalid, please choose a different one!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_already_exists'] = 'This domain is already an alias domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_does_not_exist'] = 'This domain isn\'t an alias domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_create_failed'] = 'Creating the alias domain %s failed!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_change_failed'] = 'Changing the alias domain %s failed!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error4'] = 'All domains are already aliased.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_success'] = 'The alias domain %s has been created.'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_changed'] = 'The alias domain %s has been changed.'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_to_itsself'] = 'A domain can\'t be an alias domain to itsself!'; # XXX
$PALANG['delete_domain_aliasdomain_target'] = 'The domain %s is the target for one or more alias domains and can\'t be deleted! (Delete the alias domains first.)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_address_text_error1'] = 'Aliasinn er ekki í lagi!';
$PALANG['alias_does_not_exist'] = 'This alias does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['email_address_already_exists'] = 'Þetta pósthólf er nú þegar til, veldu annað!'; # XXX check text - should be 'This email address already exists, please choose a different one\!'
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_address_text_error3'] = 'Þú hefur stofnað þann fjölda pósthólfa sem þú hefur heimild til!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_goto_text'] = 'Þangað sem pósturinn á að sendast.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_goto_text_error'] = 'Til línan er ekki gild!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_result_error'] = 'Get ekki bætt við alias í alias töflu! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Creating the alias %s failed!
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_result_success'] = 'Nýr alias hefur verið bætt við alias töfluna!'; # XXX text change: 'The alias %s has been created!'
$PALANG['alias_updated'] = 'The alias %s has been updated!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_catchall_text'] = 'Til að útbúa alias fyrir öll netföng í léninu, þá geturðu útbúið "*" alias. Til að áframsenda með alias á annað lén eða pósthólf, notaðu "*@domain.tld í til.'; # XXX check/beautify - was split in two lines before
$PALANG['mailbox_alias_cant_be_deleted'] = 'This alias belongs to a mailbox and can\'t be deleted!'; # XXX
$PALANG['protected_alias_cant_be_deleted'] = 'The alias %s is protected and can only be deleted by a superadmin'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_points_to_itself'] = 'Alias may not point to itself'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_welcome'] = 'Breyta alias í léninu.'; # XXX Text change to: 'Edit forwarding settings'
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_help'] = 'Ein færsla í einu.'; # XXX # XXX Text change to: 'Accepts multiple targets, one entry per line.'
$PALANG['alias'] = 'Alias';
$PALANG['to'] = 'To'; # XXX check text - should be 'To'
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error1'] = 'þú gafst ekki upp neitt í Til';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error2'] = 'Pósthólfið sem þú reynir að nota er ekki til: ';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_domain_result_error'] = 'Unable to modify the alias domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_forward_and_store'] = 'Deliver to the local mailbox.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_forward_only'] = 'Forward to given email addresses only.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_result_error'] = 'Get ekki breytt alias! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Modifying the alias %s failed!
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_welcome'] = 'Create a new local mailbox for your domain.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_local_part_error'] = 'Should be the bit before the @ sign.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error1'] = 'Netfangið er ekki til!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error3'] = 'Þú hefur stofnað þau póstholf sem þú hefur heimild til!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_password_text'] = 'Lykilorð til að opna POP3/IMAP';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_name_text'] = 'Fullt nafn';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_phone'] = 'Mobile phone'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_phone_desc'] = "Used to send a SMS if the password is forgotten"; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_email'] = 'Other e-mail'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_email_desc'] = "Used if the password is forgotten"; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_mail'] = 'Stofna pósthólf'; # XXX Text change to 'Send Welcome mail'
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_error'] = 'Get ekki bætt við pósthólfi í mailbox töfluna! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Creating the mailbox %s failed!
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_success'] = 'Pósthólfinu hefur verið bætt við mailbox töfluna! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The mailbox %s has been added to the mailbox table!
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_succes_nosubfolders'] = 'The mailbox %s has been added to the mailbox table, but none (or only some) of the predefined sub-folders could be created.'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_updated'] = "The mailbox %s has been updated."; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_update_failed'] = "Updating the mailbox %s failed!"; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_welcome'] = 'Breyta pósthólfi i léninu þínu.';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_username'] = 'Auðkenni'; # XXX check / compare with pCreate_mailbox_username - should be "Username"
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_password_text_error'] = 'Lykilorðið sem þú skrifaðir inn passar ekki saman!';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota'] = 'kvóti';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota_text'] = 'MB';
$PALANG['mb_max'] = 'MB (max: %s)'; # XXX
$PALANG['mb_max_unlimited'] = 'MB (max: unlimited)'; # XXX
$PALANG['mb_max_disabled'] = 'MB (max: disabled)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota_text_error'] = 'Kvótinn sem þú skilgreindir er of hár fyrir heimildina þína!';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_domain_error'] = 'Þetta lén er ekki á þínum vegum: ';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_result_error'] = 'Get ekki breytt lykilorðinu!';
$PALANG['pPassword_welcome'] = 'Breyta auðkenninu þínu til að tengjast.';
$PALANG['pPassword_admin'] = 'Tengjast';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_current'] = 'gamla lykilorðið';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_current_text_error'] = 'Þú gafst ekki upp núverandi lykilorð þitt!';
$PALANG['pPassword_password'] = 'Nýtt lykilorð';
$PALANG['pPassword_password2'] = 'Nýtt lykilorð (aftur)';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_text_error'] = 'Lykilorðin sem þú gafst upp passa ekki saman! Eða þú gefur upp tómt lykilorð!'; # XXX check/beautify - was split in two lines before
$PALANG['change_password'] = 'Breyta lykilorði';
$PALANG['pPassword_result_error'] = 'Get ekki breytt lykilorði! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Changing the password for %s failed!
$PALANG['pPassword_result_success'] = 'Lykilorðinu hefur verið breytt! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The password for %s has been changed.
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_title'] = 'Follow the instructions to reset your password.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_button'] = 'Send me the code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_email_body'] = "Hello,\n\nUse the following link to change your email password :\n%s\n\nRegards,\n\n" . $CONF['admin_name']; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_sms_body'] = "Hello,\nThe code to change your password is: %s\n" . $CONF['admin_name']; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_recovery_processed'] = "We processed your request. If you entered a valid username, you'll receive an email/SMS with a password code."; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_password_code'] = 'Code sent by email/SMS'; # XXX
$PALANG['pPassword_code_text_error'] = 'Invalid code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_vacation_set'] = 'Change / Set away message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_vacation_remove'] = 'Remove away message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_result_error'] = 'Updating the auto response settings for %s failed'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_result_removed'] = 'Auto response for %s has been disabled!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_result_added'] = 'Auto response for %s has been enabled!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_type'] = 'Choice of reply'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_delay_time'] = 'Interval time'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_delay_time_text'] = 'Time in seconds'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_until_before_today'] = 'The Date of [Active until] is set before Today'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_until_before_from'] = 'The Date of [Active until] is set before [Active from]'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_once'] = 'Reply once'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_every_mail'] = 'Reply on every mail'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_once_per_day'] = 'Reply once a day'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_once_per_week'] = 'Reply once per week'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_welcome'] = 'Skoða síðustu %s aðgerðir fyrir ';
$PALANG['pViewlog_welcome_all'] = 'View the last %s actions '; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_timestamp'] = 'Tími';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action'] = 'aðgerð';
$PALANG['pViewlog_data'] = 'gögn';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_domain'] = 'create domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_domain'] = 'delete domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_domain'] = 'edit domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_mailbox'] = 'create mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_mailbox'] = 'delete mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_mailbox'] = 'edit mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_mailbox_state'] = 'edit mailbox active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_alias'] = 'create alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_alias_domain'] = 'create alias domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_domain'] = 'edit alias domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_alias'] = 'delete alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_alias_domain'] = 'delete alias domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias'] = 'edit alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_state'] = 'edit alias active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_domain_state'] = 'edit alias domain active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_password'] = 'change password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_admin'] = 'create admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_admin'] = 'edit admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_admin'] = 'delete admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_vacation'] = 'edit vacation'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_fetchmail'] = 'create fetchmail job'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_fetchmail'] = 'edit fetchmail job'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_fetchmail'] = 'delete fetchmail job'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_result_error'] = 'Get ekki fundið log skráningu!';
$PALANG['pSendmail_welcome'] = 'sendu tölvupóst.';
$PALANG['from'] = 'frá';
$PALANG['pSendmail_to'] = 'til';
$PALANG['pSendmail_to_text_error'] = 'til er tómt eða ekki uppgefið gilt netfang!';
$PALANG['subject'] = 'Efni bréfs'; # XXX check text - should be 'Subject'
$PALANG['pSendmail_subject_text'] = 'Velkomin';
$PALANG['pSendmail_body'] = 'Meginmál';
$PALANG['pSendmail_button'] = 'Senda skilaboð';
$PALANG['pSendmail_result_error'] = 'Get ekki búið til nýtt pósthólf! (%s)'; # XXX text change - new: Unable to send email to %s!
$PALANG['pSendmail_result_success'] = 'Pósthólfið hefur verið stofnað! (%s)'; # XXX text change - new: Email sent to %s.
$PALANG['pDkim_new_key'] = 'Add Domain Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_new_sign'] = 'Add Sign Table Entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_edit_key'] = 'Edit Domain Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_edit_sign'] = 'Edit Sign Table Entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_selector'] = 'Selector'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pkey'] = 'Private Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pub'] = 'Public Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_author'] = 'Author'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_dkim_id'] = 'Domain Key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_selector_desc'] = 'Defines the name of the selector to be used when signing messages'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_domain_desc'] = 'Defines the domain which will use this key for signing'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pkey_desc'] = 'PEM-formatted private key to be used for signing all messages'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_pub_desc'] = 'PEM-formatted public key'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_author_desc'] = 'Author that will use this key for signing. Can be either mailbox or domain, with mailbox taking precedence.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDkim_field_dkim_id_desc'] = 'Domain Key that this author will use'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_already_exists'] = 'This Domain Key has already been added!'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_does_not_exist'] = 'This Domain Key does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_signing_already_exists'] = 'This Domain Signing Entry already exsits!'; # XXX
$PALANG['dkim_signing_does_not_exist'] = 'This Domain Signing Entry does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_dkim_entry'] = 'create domain key entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_dkim_entry'] = 'edit domain key entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_dkim_entry'] = 'delete domain key entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_dkim_signing_entry'] = 'create domain signing entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_dkim_signing_entry'] = 'edit domain signing entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_dkim_signing_entry'] = 'delete domain signing entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMain_dkim'] = 'Add a Domain Key for use with OpenDKIM.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_admin'] = 'Kerfisstjóralisti';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_domain'] = 'Lénalisti';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_virtual'] = 'Virtual Listi';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_backup'] = 'Afritun';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_domain_admins'] = 'Lén kerfisstjórar';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_admin'] = 'Nýr kerfisstjóri';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_domain'] = 'Nýtt lén';
$PALANG['pAdminList_admin_count'] = 'Lén';
$PALANG['description'] = 'Lýsing';
$PALANG['aliases'] = 'Aliasar';
$PALANG['pAdminList_domain_quota'] = 'Domain quota (MB)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminList_domain_backupmx'] = 'Backup MX'; # XXX
$PALANG['last_modified'] = 'Síðast breytt';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_welcome'] = 'Bæta við léni';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error'] = 'Lénið er til nú þegar!';
$PALANG['domain_does_not_exist'] = 'This domain does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error2'] = 'The domain is invalid!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_defaultaliases'] = 'Setja sjálfgefinn póstalias';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_button'] = 'Bæta við léni';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_result_error'] = 'Get ekki bætt við léni! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Adding the domain %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_result_success'] = 'Lén hefur verið bætt inn! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The domain %s has been added.
$PALANG['domain_updated'] = 'The domain %s has been updated.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminDelete_admin_error'] = 'Unable to delete admin!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_postdel_failed'] = 'The domain postdeletion script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_postedit_failed'] = 'The domain postedit script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_postcreate_failed'] = 'The domain postcreate script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postdel_failed'] = 'The mailbox postdeletion script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postedit_failed'] = 'The mailbox postedit script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postcreate_failed'] = 'The mailbox postcreate script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postpassword_failed'] = 'The mailbox postpassword script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminDelete_alias_domain_error'] = 'Unable to remove domain alias!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_conflict_vacation_domain'] = 'You can\'t use the vacation domain as mail domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_welcome'] = 'Breyta léni';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_aliases_text'] = '-1 = óvirkt | 0 = ótakmarkað';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota'] = 'Hámarks kvóti';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota_text'] = 'MB | -1 = óvirkt | 0 = ótakmarkað';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_quota'] = 'Domain Quota'; # XXX
$PALANG['transport'] = 'Transport'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_transport_text'] = 'Define transport'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_backupmx'] = 'Mail server is backup MX'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_result_error'] = 'Get ekki breytt léni! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Modifying the domain %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_welcome'] = 'Bæta nýju léni við';
$PALANG['email_address'] = 'Póstfang';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error1'] = 'Kerfisstjóri er ekki rétt póstfang!';
$PALANG['admin_already_exists'] = 'Kerfisstjóri er til nú þegar eða er ekki leyfilegt'; # XXX Text changed to: The admin already exists!
$PALANG['admin_does_not_exist'] = 'The admin does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_button'] = 'Bæta við kerfisstjóra';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_error'] = 'Get ekki bætt við kerfisstjóra! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Adding the admin %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_success'] = 'Kerfisstjórinn hefur verið skráður! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The admin %s has been added.
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_welcome'] = 'Breyta kerfisstjóra léns';
$PALANG['admin'] = 'Kerfisstjóri'; # XXX check text - should be 'Admin'
$PALANG['password_again'] = 'Lykilorð (aftur)';
$PALANG['super_admin'] = 'Super admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['super_admin_desc'] = 'Super admins have access to all domains, can manage domains and admin accounts.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_result_error'] = 'Get ekki breytt kerfisstjóra! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Modifying the admin %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_result_success'] = 'Kerfisstjórinn hefur verið breyttur! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The admin %s has been modified.
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_welcome'] = 'Pósthólf notenda til að tengjast svo hægt er að breyta lykilorði eða alias.';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_username_incorrect'] = 'Innskráning þín er röng, gaktu úr skugga um að þú tengist með réttu póstfangi (email address)!';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_password_incorrect'] = 'Lykilorð þitt er rangt!';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_password_recover'] = 'I forgot my password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_vacation'] = 'Sjálfvirk svörun';
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_edit_alias'] = 'Breyta áframsendingu';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_vacation'] = 'Setja "er ekki við" skilaboð sem sjálfvikt svörun í pósthólfið þitt.';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_vacationSet'] = $PALANG['pUsersMenu_vacation'] . ' is ON, click \'' . $PALANG['pUsersMenu_vacation'] . '\' to ' . $PALANG['edit'] . '/remove'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_edit_alias'] = 'Breyta áframsendingu póstfangs. (email forward).'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_password'] = 'Breyta núverandi lykilorði.';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_welcome'] = 'sjálfvirk skilaboð.';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_welcome_text'] = 'Þú hefur nú þegar skilgreint sjálfvirk skilaboð! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: 'Auto response for %s is active!'
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_subject_text'] = 'Er ekki við - Out of Office';
$PALANG['message'] = 'Meginmál'; # XXX text changed to 'Message'
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_body_text'] = <<<EOM
Ég er ekki við frá <%From_Date> og til <%Until_Date>. I will be away from <%From_Date> until <%Until_Date>.
Ef mikið liggur við, geturðu haft samaband við <contact person>. For urgent matters you can contact <contact person>.
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_activefrom'] = 'Active from'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_activeuntil'] = 'Active until'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_dbLog_editactive'] = 'change active state'; # XXX
$PALANG['pSearch'] = 'search'; # XXX
$PALANG['pSearch_welcome'] = 'Searching for: '; # XXX
$PALANG['pReturn_to'] = 'Return to'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_title'] = 'Send broadcast message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_name'] = 'Your name'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_success'] = 'Your broadcast message was sent.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_broadcast_message'] = 'Broadcast message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_error_empty'] = 'The fields Name, Subject and Message shouldn\'t be empty!'; # XXX
$PALANG['broadcast_mailboxes_only'] = 'Only send to mailboxes'; # XXX
$PALANG['broadcast_to_domains'] = 'Send to domains:'; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_undeliverable'] = 'maybe UNDELIVERABLE '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_disabled'] = 'Account disabled '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_expired'] = 'Password expired '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_vacation'] = 'Vacation enabled '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_custom'] = 'Delivers to '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_popimap'] = 'POP/IMAP '; # XXX
$PALANG['password_too_short'] = "Password is too short - requires %s characters"; # XXX
$PALANG['password_no_characters'] = "Your password must contain at least %s letters (A-Z, a-z)."; # XXX
$PALANG['password_no_digits'] = "Your password must contain at least %s digit(s)."; # XXX
$PALANG['password_no_special'] = "Your password must contain at least %s special character(s)."; # XXX
$PALANG['pInvalidDomainRegex'] = "Invalid domain name %s, fails regexp check"; # XXX
$PALANG['pInvalidDomainDNS'] = "Invalid domain %s, and/or not discoverable in DNS"; # XXX
$PALANG['pInvalidMailRegex'] = "Invalid email address %s, fails regexp check"; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_welcome'] = 'Fetch mail for:'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_new_entry'] = 'New entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['fetchmail_already_exists'] = 'This fetchmail job already exists!'; # XXX
$PALANG['fetchmail_does_not_exist'] = 'This fetchmail job does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_database_save_error'] = 'Could not save this entry in the database!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_database_save_success'] = 'Entry saved in database.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_error_invalid_id'] = 'No entry with ID %s found!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_invalid_mailbox'] = 'Invalid mailbox!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_server_missing'] = 'Please enter the remote server name!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_user_missing'] = 'Please enter the remote username!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_password_missing'] = 'Please enter the remote password!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_id'] = 'ID'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_mailbox'] = 'Mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_server'] = 'Server'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_port'] = 'Port'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_auth'] = 'Auth Type'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_user'] = 'User'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_password'] = $PALANG['password']; # needed until fetchmail is migrated into FetchmailHandler
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_folder'] = 'Folder'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_poll_time'] = 'Poll'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_fetchall'] = 'Fetch All'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_keep'] = 'Keep'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_protocol'] = 'Protocol'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_usessl'] = 'SSL active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslcertck'] = 'SSL certificate check'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslcertpath'] = 'SSL path to certificates'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslfingerprint'] = 'SSL fingerprint (md5)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_extra_options'] = 'Extra Options'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_mda'] = 'MDA'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_date'] = 'Date'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_returned_text'] = 'Returned Text'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_id'] = 'Record ID'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_mailbox'] = 'Local mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_server'] = 'Remote Server'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_port'] = 'Remote port number, if a non-standard remote port is needed. (0: use default)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_auth'] = 'Mostly \'password\''; # Translators: Please do NOT translate 'password' here # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_user'] = 'Remote User'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_password'] = 'Remote Password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_folder'] = 'Remote Folder'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_poll_time'] = 'Poll every ... minutes'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_fetchall'] = 'Retrieve both old (seen) and new messages'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_keep'] = 'Keep retrieved messages on the remote mailserver'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_protocol'] = 'Protocol to use'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_usessl'] = 'SSL encryption'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_extra_options'] = 'Extra fetchmail Options'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_mda'] = 'Mail Delivery Agent'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_date'] = 'Date of last polling/configuration change'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_returned_text'] = 'Text message from last polling'; # XXX
$PALANG['dateformat_pgsql'] = 'YYYY-mm-dd'; # translators: rearrange to your local date format, but make sure it's a valid PostgreSQL date format # XXX
$PALANG['dateformat_mysql'] = '%Y-%m-%d'; # translators: rearrange to your local date format, but make sure it's a valid MySQL date format # XXX
$PALANG['password_expiration'] = 'Pass expires'; # XXX
$PALANG['password_expiration_desc'] = 'Date when password will expire'; # XXX
$PALANG['To_Mailbox'] = 'Mailbox'; # XXX # XXX
$PALANG['To_Forward_Only'] = 'Forward Only'; # XXX # XXX
$PALANG['pLegal_char_warning'] = 'Illegal character'; # XXX
$PALANG['copy'] = 'Copy'; # XXX
$PALANG['generate'] = 'Generate'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_security'] = 'Security'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_totp'] = 'TOTP'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_totp_exceptions'] = 'TOTP exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_app_passwords'] = 'Application passwords'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_totp_exceptions'] = 'Allow trusted IP-addresses to access your mailbox without TOTP'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_totp'] = 'Change TOTP'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_welcome'] = 'Setup your Time-based One-time Password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_totp'] = 'Setup your Time-based One-time Password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_secret'] = 'TOTP secret'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_code'] = 'TOTP code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_secret_result_error'] = 'Could not change TOTP secret'; # XXX
$PALANG['change_TOTP'] = 'Change TOTP settings'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_code_mismatch'] = 'Incorrect one-time-password entered'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_qr'] = 'TOTP QR-code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTOTP_confirm'] = 'Please confirm your login by providing your current TOTP code'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_failed'] = 'Your entered code is not valid. Please use a current code.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_stored'] = 'You successfully confirmed your new TOTP secret.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_welcome'] = 'Add TOPT-exempt address'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_user'] = 'Username (or domain for admins)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_add'] = 'Add exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_address'] = 'IP-Address'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_description'] = 'Description'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_list'] = 'Existing exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_revoke'] = 'Revoke'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exceptions_revoked'] = 'Exception revoked'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exception_result_success'] = 'Exception added'; # XXX
$PALANG['pTotp_exception_result_error'] = 'Could not add exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_totp_exception_result_error'] = 'Unable to modify TOTP exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_ip_empty_error'] = 'IP cannot be empty'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_desc_empty_error'] = 'Description cannot be empty'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_user_entire_domain_error'] = 'Only admins can add exceptions for an entire domain.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pException_user_global_error'] = 'Only superadmins can add global exceptions'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_app_passwords'] = 'Setup revokable app passwords with reduced privileges'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_passwords_list'] = 'Existing application passwords'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_password_revoked'] = 'Exception revoked'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_passwords_welcome'] = 'Add application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAppPassAdd_result_success'] = 'Added an application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAppPassAdd_pass_empty_error'] = 'Password cannot be empty'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAppPassAdd_result_error'] = 'Could not add application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['MFA_submit'] = 'Confirm login'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_add_totp_exception'] = 'Add TOTP exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_totp_exception'] = 'Delete TOTP exception'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_add_app_password'] = 'Add application password'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postapppassword_failed'] = 'The mailbox postapppassword script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_post_totp_exception_delete_failed'] = 'The mailbox post totp exception delete script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_post_totp_exception_add_failed'] = 'The mailbox post totp exception add script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_post_TOTP_change_failed'] = 'The mailbox post totp secret change script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['TOTP_already_configured'] = 'TOTP is already configured for this account, do you want to change your secret?'; # XXX
$PALANG['pApp_passwords_add'] = 'Add application-specific password'; # XXX
$PALANG['please_keep_this_as_last_entry'] = ''; # needed for language-check.sh
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