mirror of https://github.com/postfixadmin/postfixadmin.git synced 2024-09-19 19:22:14 +02:00
John Fawcett 668960ccf6 Add a flag to mailbox table for enable/disable smtp protocol. The table column name
is "smtp_active". This enables use of this flag instead of active flag for postfix
mysql queries. There is a new configuration parameter $CONF['smtp_active_flag'] =
YES or NO, which defaults to NO, providing the existing behaviour. When set to YES
the active_smtp field is displayed in the edit mode and can be modified.
The commit includes update to the language files and documentation.

The commit does not include the code to add the field to existing installs,
which I presume can be added during the release cycle in upgrade.php along the
lines of:

_db_add_field('mailbox',  'smtp_active', 'int DEFAULT 1');
2024-01-09 20:50:49 +01:00

829 lines
31 KiB

# $Id$
* Simple class to represent a user.
class MailboxHandler extends PFAHandler
protected $db_table = 'mailbox';
protected $id_field = 'username';
protected $domain_field = 'domain';
protected $searchfields = array('username');
# init $this->struct, $this->db_table and $this->id_field
protected function initStruct()
$passwordReset = (int) ( Config::bool('forgotten_user_password_reset') && !Config::read('mailbox_postpassword_script') );
$smtpActiveFlag = (int) ( Config::bool('smtp_active_flag') );
$reset_by_sms = 0;
if ($passwordReset && Config::read_string('sms_send_function')) {
$reset_by_sms = 1;
$editPw = 1;
if (!$this->new && Config::read('mailbox_postpassword_script')) {
$editPw = 0;
$this->struct = array(
# field name allow display in... type $PALANG label $PALANG description default / options / ...
# editing? form list
'username' => pacol($this->new, 1, 1, 'mail', 'pEdit_mailbox_username' , '' , '' ),
'local_part' => pacol($this->new, 0, 0, 'text', 'pEdit_mailbox_username' , '' , '',
/*options*/ array('legal_chars' => Config::read('username_legal_chars'), 'legal_char_warning' => Config::lang('pLegal_char_warning'))
'domain' => pacol($this->new, 0, 1, 'enum', '' , '' , '',
/*options*/ $this->allowed_domains ),
# TODO: maildir: display in list is needed to include maildir in SQL result (for post_edit hook)
# TODO: (not a perfect solution, but works for now - maybe we need a separate "include in SELECT query" field?)
'maildir' => pacol($this->new, 0, 1, 'text', '' , '' , '' ),
'password' => pacol($editPw, $editPw,0, 'pass', 'password' , 'pCreate_mailbox_password_text' , '' ),
'password2' => pacol($editPw, $editPw,0, 'pass', 'password_again' , '' , '',
/*options*/ array(),
/*not_in_db*/ 0,
/*dont_write_to_db*/ 1,
/*select*/ 'password as password2'
'name' => pacol(1, 1, 1, 'text', 'name' , 'pCreate_mailbox_name_text' , '' ),
'quota' => pacol(1, 1, 1, 'int' , 'pEdit_mailbox_quota' , 'pEdit_mailbox_quota_text' , '' ), # in MB
# read_from_db_postprocess() also sets 'quotabytes' for use in init()
# TODO: read used quota from quota/quota2 table
'active' => pacol(1, 1, 1, 'bool', 'active' , '' , 1 ),
'smtp_active' => pacol($smtpActiveFlag, $smtpActiveFlag,0, 'bool', 'smtp_active' , '' , 1 ),
'welcome_mail' => pacol($this->new, $this->new, 0, 'bool', 'pCreate_mailbox_mail' , '' , 1,
/*options*/ array(),
/*not_in_db*/ 1 ),
'phone' => pacol(1, $reset_by_sms, 0, 'text', 'pCreate_mailbox_phone' , 'pCreate_mailbox_phone_desc' , ''),
'email_other' => pacol(1, $passwordReset, 0, 'mail', 'pCreate_mailbox_email' , 'pCreate_mailbox_email_desc' , ''),
'token' => pacol(1, 0, 0, 'text', '' , '' ),
'token_validity' => pacol(1, 0, 0, 'ts', '' , '', date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())),
'created' => pacol(0, 0, 1, 'ts', 'created' , '' ),
'modified' => pacol(0, 0, 1, 'ts', 'last_modified' , '' ),
'password_expiry' => pacol(0, 0, 1, 'ts', 'password_expiration' , '' ),
# TODO: add virtual 'notified' column and allow to display who received a vacation response?
# update allowed quota
if (count($this->struct['domain']['options']) > 0) {
$this->prefill('domain', $this->struct['domain']['options'][0]);
public function init(string $id): bool
if (!parent::init($id)) {
return false;
if ($this->new) {
$currentquota = 0;
} else {
$currentquota = $this->result['quotabytes']; # parent::init called ->view()
$this->updateMaxquota($this->domain, $currentquota);
return true; # still here? good.
protected function domain_from_id()
list(/*NULL*/, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
return $domain;
* show max allowed quota in quota field description
* @param string - domain
* @param int - current quota
protected function updateMaxquota($domain, $currentquota)
if ($domain == '') {
return false;
$maxquota = $this->allowed_quota($domain, $currentquota);
if ($maxquota == 0) {
$this->struct['quota']['desc'] = Config::lang('mb_max_unlimited');
} elseif ($maxquota < 0) {
$this->struct['quota']['desc'] = Config::lang('mb_max_disabled');
} else {
$this->struct['quota']['desc'] = Config::lang_f('mb_max', "" . $maxquota);
protected function initMsg()
$this->msg['error_already_exists'] = 'email_address_already_exists';
$this->msg['error_does_not_exist'] = 'pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error1';
$this->msg['confirm_delete'] = 'confirm_delete_mailbox';
if ($this->new) {
$this->msg['logname'] = 'create_mailbox';
$this->msg['store_error'] = 'pCreate_mailbox_result_error';
$this->msg['successmessage'] = 'pCreate_mailbox_result_success';
} else {
$this->msg['logname'] = 'edit_mailbox';
$this->msg['store_error'] = 'mailbox_update_failed';
$this->msg['successmessage'] = 'mailbox_updated';
public function webformConfig()
if ($this->new) { # the webform will display a local_part field + domain dropdown on $new
$this->struct['username']['display_in_form'] = 0;
$this->struct['local_part']['display_in_form'] = 1;
$this->struct['domain']['display_in_form'] = 1;
return array(
# $PALANG labels
'formtitle_create' => 'pCreate_mailbox_welcome',
'formtitle_edit' => 'pEdit_mailbox_welcome',
'create_button' => 'add_mailbox',
# various settings
'required_role' => 'admin',
'listview' => 'list-virtual.php',
'early_init' => 0,
'prefill' => array('domain'),
protected function validate_new_id()
if ($this->id == '') {
$this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = Config::lang('pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error1');
return false;
$email_check = check_email($this->id);
if ($email_check != '') {
$this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = $email_check;
return false;
list(/*NULL*/, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
if (!$this->create_allowed($domain)) {
$this->errormsg[] = Config::lang('pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error3');
return false;
# check if an alias with this name already exists - if yes, don't allow to create the mailbox
$handler = new AliasHandler(1);
$handler->calledBy('MailboxHandler'); # make sure mailbox creation still works if the alias limit for the domain is hit
if (!$handler->init($this->id)) {
# TODO: keep original error message from AliasHandler
$this->errormsg[] = Config::lang('email_address_already_exists');
return false;
return true; # still here? good!
* check number of existing mailboxes for this domain - is one more allowed?
private function create_allowed($domain)
$limit = get_domain_properties($domain);
if ($limit['mailboxes'] == 0) {
return true;
} # unlimited
if ($limit['mailboxes'] < 0) {
return false;
} # disabled
if ($limit['mailbox_count'] >= $limit['mailboxes']) {
return false;
return true;
* merge local_part and domain to address
* called by edit.php (if id_field is editable and hidden in editform) _before_ ->init
public function mergeId($values)
if ($this->struct['local_part']['display_in_form'] == 1 && $this->struct['domain']['display_in_form']) { # webform mode - combine to 'address' field
return $values['local_part'] . '@' . $values['domain'];
} else {
return $values[$this->id_field];
protected function read_from_db_postprocess($db_result)
foreach ($db_result as $key => $row) {
if (isset($row['quota']) && is_numeric($row['quota']) && $row['quota'] > -1) { # quota could be disabled in $struct
$db_result[$key]['quotabytes'] = $row['quota'];
$db_result[$key]['quota'] = divide_quota( (int) $row['quota']); # convert quota to MB
} else {
$db_result[$key]['quotabytes'] = -1;
$db_result[$key]['quota'] = -1;
return $db_result;
protected function preSave(): bool
if (isset($this->values['quota']) && $this->values['quota'] != -1 && is_numeric($this->values['quota'])) {
$multiplier = Config::read_string('quota_multiplier');
if ($multiplier == 0 || !is_numeric($multiplier)) { // or empty string, or null, or false...
$multiplier = 1;
$this->values['quota'] = $this->values['quota'] * $multiplier; # convert quota from MB to bytes
// Avoid trying to store '' in an integer field
if ($this->values['quota'] === '') {
$this->values['quota'] = 0;
$ah = new AliasHandler($this->new, $this->admin_username);
if (!$ah->init($this->id)) {
$arraykeys = array_keys($ah->errormsg);
$this->errormsg[] = $ah->errormsg[$arraykeys[0]]; # TODO: implement this as PFAHandler->firstErrormsg()
return false;
$alias_data = array();
if (isset($this->values['active'])) { # might not be set in edit mode
$alias_data['active'] = $this->values['active'];
if ($this->new) {
$alias_data['goto'] = array($this->id); # 'goto_mailbox' = 1; # would be technically correct, but setting 'goto' is easier
if (!$ah->set($alias_data)) {
$this->errormsg[] = $ah->errormsg[0];
return false;
if (!$ah->save()) {
$this->errormsg[] = $ah->errormsg[0];
return false;
if (!empty($this->values['password'])) {
// provide some default value to keep MySQL etc happy.
$this->values['password_expiry'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime("+365 days"));
if (Config::bool('password_expiration')) {
$domain_dirty = $this->domain_from_id();
$domain = trim($domain_dirty, "`'"); // naive assumption it is ' escaping.
$password_expiration_value = (int)get_password_expiration_value($domain);
$this->values['password_expiry'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime("+$password_expiration_value day"));
return true;
protected function setmore(array $values)
if (array_key_exists('quota', $this->values)) {
$this->values['quota'] = (int)$this->values['quota'];
// Could perhaps also use _validate_local_part($new_value) { .... }
public function set(array $values)
// See: https://github.com/postfixadmin/postfixadmin/issues/282 - ensure the 'local_part' does not contain an @ sign.
$ok = true;
if (isset($values['local_part']) && strpos($values['local_part'], '@')) {
$this->errormsg['local_part'] = Config::lang('pCreate_mailbox_local_part_error');
$ok = false;
return $ok && parent::set($values);
protected function postSave(): bool
if ($this->new) {
if (!$this->mailbox_post_script()) {
# return false; # TODO: should this be fatal?
if ($this->values['welcome_mail'] == true) {
if (!$this->send_welcome_mail()) {
# return false; # TODO: should this be fatal?
if (!$this->create_mailbox_subfolders()) {
$this->infomsg[] = Config::lang_f('pCreate_mailbox_result_succes_nosubfolders', $this->id);
} else { # edit mode
# alias active status is updated in before_store()
# postedit hook
# TODO: implement a poststore() function? - would make handling of old and new values much easier...
$old_mh = new MailboxHandler();
if (!$old_mh->init($this->id)) {
$this->errormsg[] = $old_mh->errormsg[0];
} elseif (!$old_mh->view()) {
$this->errormsg[] = $old_mh->errormsg[0];
} else {
$oldvalues = $old_mh->result();
$this->values['maildir'] = $oldvalues['maildir'];
if (isset($this->values['quota'])) {
$quota = $this->values['quota'];
} else {
$quota = $oldvalues['quota'];
if (!$this->mailbox_post_script()) {
# TODO: should this be fatal?
return true; # even if a hook failed, mark the overall operation as OK
public function delete()
if (! $this->view()) {
$this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang('pFetchmail_invalid_mailbox'); # TODO: can users hit this message at all? init() should already fail...
return false;
# the correct way would be to delete the alias and fetchmail entries with *Handler before
# deleting the mailbox, but it's easier and a bit faster to do it on the database level.
# cleaning up all tables doesn't hurt, even if vacation or displaying the quota is disabled
db_delete('fetchmail', 'mailbox', $this->id);
db_delete('vacation', 'email', $this->id);
db_delete('vacation_notification', 'on_vacation', $this->id); # should be caught by cascade, if PgSQL
db_delete('quota', 'username', $this->id);
db_delete('quota2', 'username', $this->id);
db_delete('alias', 'address', $this->id);
db_delete($this->db_table, $this->id_field, $this->id); # finally delete the mailbox
if (!$this->mailbox_postdeletion()) {
$this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang('mailbox_postdel_failed');
list(/*NULL*/, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
db_log($domain, 'delete_mailbox', $this->id);
$this->infomsg[] = Config::Lang_f('pDelete_delete_success', $this->id);
return true;
protected function _prefill_domain($field, $val)
if (in_array($val, $this->struct[$field]['options'])) {
$this->struct[$field]['default'] = $val;
$this->updateMaxquota($val, 0);
* check if quota is allowed
protected function _validate_quota($field, $val)
if (!$this->check_quota($val)) {
$this->errormsg[$field] = Config::lang('pEdit_mailbox_quota_text_error');
return false;
return true;
* - compare password / password2 field (error message will be displayed at password2 field)
* - autogenerate password if enabled in config and $new
* - display password on $new if enabled in config or autogenerated
protected function _validate_password($field, $val)
if (!$this->_validate_password2($field, $val)) {
return false;
if ($this->new && Config::read('generate_password') == 'YES' && $val == '') {
# auto-generate new password
unset($this->errormsg[$field]); # remove "password too short" error message
$val = generate_password();
$this->values[$field] = $val; # we are doing this "behind the back" of set()
$this->infomsg[] = Config::Lang('password') . ": $val";
return false; # to avoid that set() overwrites $this->values[$field]
} elseif ($this->new && Config::read('show_password') == 'YES') {
$this->infomsg[] = Config::Lang('password') . ": $val";
return true; # still here? good.
* compare password / password2 field
* error message will be displayed at the password2 field
protected function _validate_password2($field, $val)
return $this->compare_password_fields('password', 'password2');
* on $this->new, set localpart based on address
protected function _missing_local_part($field)
list($local_part, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
$this->RAWvalues['local_part'] = $local_part;
* on $this->new, set domain based on address
protected function _missing_domain($field)
list($local_part, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
$this->RAWvalues['domain'] = $domain;
# TODO: read used quota from quota/quota2 table, then enable _formatted_quota()
# public function _formatted_quota ($item) { return $item['used_quota'] . ' / ' . $item['quota'] ; }
* calculate maildir path for the mailbox
protected function _missing_maildir($field)
list($local_part, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
$maildir_name_hook = Config::read('maildir_name_hook');
if (is_string($maildir_name_hook) && $maildir_name_hook != 'NO' && function_exists($maildir_name_hook)) {
$maildir = $maildir_name_hook($domain, $this->id);
} elseif (Config::bool('domain_path')) {
if (Config::bool('domain_in_mailbox')) {
$maildir = $domain . "/" . $this->id . "/";
} else {
$maildir = $domain . "/" . $local_part . "/";
} else {
# If $CONF['domain_path'] is set to NO, $CONF['domain_in_mailbox] is forced to YES.
# Otherwise user@example.com and user@foo.bar would be mixed up in the same maildir "user/".
$maildir = $this->id . "/";
$this->RAWvalues['maildir'] = $maildir;
private function send_welcome_mail()
$fTo = $this->id;
$fFrom = smtp_get_admin_email();
if (empty($fFrom) || $fFrom == 'CLI') {
$fFrom = $this->id;
$fSubject = Config::lang('pSendmail_subject_text');
$fBody = Config::read('welcome_text');
if (!smtp_mail($fTo, $fFrom, $fSubject, smtp_get_admin_password(), $fBody)) {
$this->errormsg[] = Config::lang_f('pSendmail_result_error', $this->id);
return false;
return true;
* Check if the user is creating a mailbox within the quota limits of the domain
* @param int $quota - quota wanted for the mailbox
* @return boolean - true if requested quota is OK, otherwise false
* @todo merge with allowed_quota?
protected function check_quota($quota)
if (!Config::bool('quota')) {
return true; # enforcing quotas is disabled - just allow it
$quota = (int) $quota;
list(/*NULL*/, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
$limit = get_domain_properties($domain);
if (($limit['maxquota'] < 0) and ($quota < 0)) {
return true; # maxquota and $quota are both disabled -> OK, no need for more checks
if (($limit['maxquota'] > 0) and ($quota == 0)) {
return false; # mailbox with unlimited quota on a domain with maxquota restriction -> not allowed, no more checks needed
if ($limit['maxquota'] != 0 && $quota > $limit['maxquota']) {
return false; # mailbox bigger than maxquota restriction (and maxquota != unlimited) -> not allowed, no more checks needed
# TODO: detailed error message ("domain quota exceeded", "mailbox quota too big" etc.) via flash_error? Or "available quota: xxx MB"?
if (!Config::bool('domain_quota')) {
return true; # enforcing domain_quota is disabled - just allow it
} elseif ($limit['quota'] <= 0) { # TODO: CHECK - 0 (unlimited) is fine, not sure about <= -1 (disabled)...
$rval = true;
} elseif ($quota == 0) { # trying to create an unlimited mailbox, but domain quota is set
return false;
} else {
$table_mailbox = table_by_key('mailbox');
$query = "SELECT SUM(quota) as sum FROM $table_mailbox WHERE domain = ? AND username != ?";
$rows = db_query_all($query, array($domain, $this->id));
$cur_quota_total = divide_quota($rows[0]['sum']); # convert to MB
if (($quota + $cur_quota_total) > $limit['quota']) {
$rval = false;
} else {
$rval = true;
return $rval;
* Get allowed maximum quota for a mailbox
* @param string $domain
* @param int $current_user_quota (in bytes)
* @return int allowed maximum quota (in MB)
protected function allowed_quota($domain, $current_user_quota)
if (!Config::bool('quota')) {
return 0; # quota disabled means no limits - no need for more checks
$domain_properties = get_domain_properties($domain);
$tMaxquota = $domain_properties['maxquota'];
if (Config::bool('domain_quota') && $domain_properties['quota']) {
$dquota = $domain_properties['quota'] - $domain_properties['total_quota'] + divide_quota($current_user_quota);
if ($dquota < $tMaxquota) {
$tMaxquota = $dquota;
if ($tMaxquota == 0) {
$tMaxquota = $dquota;
return $tMaxquota;
* Called after a mailbox has been created or edited in the DBMS.
* @return boolean success/failure status
protected function mailbox_post_script()
if ($this->new) {
$cmd = Config::read_string('mailbox_postcreation_script');
$warnmsg = Config::Lang('mailbox_postcreate_failed');
} else {
$cmd = Config::read_string('mailbox_postedit_script');
$warnmsg = Config::Lang('mailbox_postedit_failed');
if ($this->new) {
$cmd_pw = Config::read('mailbox_postpassword_script');
$warnmsg_pw = Config::Lang('mailbox_postpassword_failed');
if (empty($cmd) && empty($cmd_pw)) {
return true;
} # nothing to do
list(/*NULL*/, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
$quota = $this->values['quota'];
if (empty($this->id) || empty($domain) || empty($this->values['maildir'])) {
trigger_error('In '.__FUNCTION__.': empty username, domain and/or maildir parameter', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$status = true;
if (!empty($cmd)) {
if ($quota <= 0) {
$quota = 0;
} # TODO: check if this is correct behaviour
$cmdarg4 = escapeshellarg("" . $quota);
$command= "$cmd $cmdarg1 $cmdarg2 $cmdarg3 $cmdarg4";
$firstline=exec($command, $output, $retval);
if (0!=$retval) {
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
$this->errormsg[] .= $warnmsg;
$status = false;
if (!empty($cmd_pw)) {
// Use proc_open call to avoid safe_mode problems and to prevent showing plain password in process table
$spec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin
1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout
$command = "$cmd_pw $cmdarg1 $cmdarg2 2>&1";
$proc = proc_open($command, $spec, $pipes);
if (!$proc) {
error_log("can't proc_open $cmd_pw");
$this->errormsg[] .= $warnmsg_pw;
$status = false;
} else {
// Write passwords through pipe to command stdin -- provide old password, then new password.
fwrite($pipes[0], "\0", 1);
fwrite($pipes[0], $this->values['password'] . "\0", 1+strlen($this->values['password']));
$output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
$retval = proc_close($proc);
if (0!=$retval) {
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, output was: " . json_encode($output));
$this->errormsg[] .= $warnmsg_pw;
$status = false;
return $status;
* Called after a mailbox has been deleted
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure
* also adds a detailed error message to $this->errormsg[]
protected function mailbox_postdeletion()
$cmd = Config::read_string('mailbox_postdeletion_script');
if (empty($cmd)) {
return true;
list(/*NULL*/, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
if (empty($this->id) || empty($domain)) {
$this->errormsg[] = 'Empty username and/or domain parameter in mailbox_postdeletion';
return false;
$command = "$cmd $cmdarg1 $cmdarg2";
$firstline=exec($command, $output, $retval);
if (0!=$retval) {
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
$this->errormsg[] = 'Problems running mailbox postdeletion script!';
return false;
return true;
* Called by postSave() after a mailbox has been created.
* Immediately returns, unless configuration indicates
* that one or more sub-folders should be created.
* Triggers E_USER_ERROR if configuration error is detected.
* If IMAP login fails, the problem is logged to the system log
* (such as /var/log/httpd/error_log), and the function returns
* Doesn't clean up, if only some of the folders could be
* created.
* @return boolean TRUE if everything succeeds, FALSE on all errors
* @todo rewrite/remove dependency on php-imap and use instead something like : https://www.php-imap.com/api/client
protected function create_mailbox_subfolders()
$create_mailbox_subdirs = Config::read('create_mailbox_subdirs');
if (empty($create_mailbox_subdirs)) {
return true;
if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
trigger_error('imap_open function not present; cannot create_mailbox_subdirs');
return false;
if (!is_array($create_mailbox_subdirs)) {
trigger_error('create_mailbox_subdirs must be an array', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$s_host = Config::read_string('create_mailbox_subdirs_host');
if (empty($s_host)) {
trigger_error('An IMAP/POP server host ($CONF["create_mailbox_subdirs_host"]) must be configured, if sub-folders are to be created', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions = Config::read('create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions');
if (!empty($create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions)) {
if (!is_array($create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions)) {
trigger_error('The $CONF["create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions"] parameter must be an array', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
foreach ($create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions as $o) {
if (Config::has('create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport')) {
$create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport = Config::read('create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport');
if (!empty($create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport)) {
$s_port = $create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport;
if (intval($s_port)!=$s_port) {
trigger_error('The $CONF["create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport"] parameter must be an integer', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
sleep(1); # give the mail triggering the mailbox creation a chance to do its job
$i=@imap_open($s, $this->id, $this->values['password']);
if (false==$i) {
error_log('Could not log into IMAP/POP server: ' . $this->id . ': ' . imap_last_error());
return false;
$s_prefix = Config::read_string('create_mailbox_subdirs_prefix');
foreach ($create_mailbox_subdirs as $f) {
$res=imap_createmailbox($i, $f);
if (!$res) {
error_log('Could not create IMAP folder $f: ' . $this->id . ': ' . imap_last_error());
return false;
@imap_subscribe($i, $f);
return true;
#TODO: more self explaining language strings!
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