mirror of https://github.com/thunderbird/thunderbird-android.git synced 2024-09-19 11:42:14 +02:00

Remove scripts to create screenshots for the user manual

This commit is contained in:
cketti 2024-08-26 20:04:21 +02:00
parent ba42bf114d
commit 81441afe00
7 changed files with 0 additions and 465 deletions

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
appId: com.fsck.k9.debug
- launchApp:
clearState: true
- assertVisible:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/welcome_message"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/welcome_screen"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step1_empty"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_email"
- inputText: "dummy@outlook.com"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step1_sign_in"
- pressKey: "back"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_email"
- eraseText
- inputText: "user@domain.example"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_password"
- inputText: "password"
- pressKey: "back"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step1_filled_in"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step2_account_type_selection"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/imap"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step3_imap_incoming_server_1"
- scroll
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step3_imap_incoming_server_2"
- scrollUntilVisible:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_server"
direction: UP
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_server"
- eraseText
- inputText: "wrong.host.badssl.com"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_port"
- eraseText
- inputText: "443"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- assertVisible:
id: "android:id/alertTitle"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step3.6_invalid_certificate"
- tapOn:
id: "android:id/button2"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_server"
- eraseText
- inputText: ""
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- assertVisible:
id: "android:id/alertTitle"
- pressKey: "back"
- assertVisible:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/progress"
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step3.5_imap_checking_incoming_server_settings"
- pressKey: "back"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "android:id/button2"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step4_smtp_outgoing_server"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_server"
- eraseText
- inputText: ""
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- assertVisible:
id: "android:id/alertTitle"
- pressKey: "back"
- assertVisible:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/progress"
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step4.5_smtp_checking_outgoing_server_settings"
- pressKey: "back"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "android:id/button2"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step5_account_options"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_description"
- inputText: "My first account"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_name"
- inputText: "Demo User"
- pressKey: "back"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step6_account_name"
- pressKey: "back"
- pressKey: "back"
- pressKey: "back"
- pressKey: "back"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/pop"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_setup_step3_pop3_incoming_server"

View File

@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
appId: com.fsck.k9.debug
- launchApp:
clearState: true
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_email"
- inputText: "fun@k9mail.example"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_description"
- inputText: "Personal"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_name"
- inputText: "Demo User"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/done"
- tapOn:
id: "com.android.permissioncontroller:id/permission_allow_button"
- tapOn: "Navigate up"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/drawer_one_account"
- tapOn: "Settings"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/settings_one_account"
- tapOn: "Add account"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_email"
- inputText: "serious@k9mail.example"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_description"
- inputText: "Work"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/done"
- tapOn: "Navigate up"
- tapOn: "Manage folders"
- tapOn: "Inbox"
- tapOn: "Unify"
- back
- tapOn: "Turing Awards"
- tapOn: "Unify"
- back
- back
- tapOn: "Navigate up"
- tapOn: "Turing Awards"
- swipe:
direction: DOWN
- back
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/contact_picture"
index: 0
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/subject"
index: 1
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/subject"
index: 2
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/subject"
index: 3
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/delete"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/unified_inbox"
- tapOn: "Navigate up"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/material_drawer_account_header_text_switcher"
- tapOn: "Personal"
- back
- tapOn: "Navigate up"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/drawer_two_accounts"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/material_drawer_account_header_text_switcher"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/drawer_account_list"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/material_drawer_account_header_text_switcher"
- tapOn: "Settings"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/settings_two_accounts"
- tapOn: "Work"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_settings"
- tapOn: "More options"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/account_settings_menu_expanded"

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
appId: com.fsck.k9.debug
- launchApp:
clearState: true
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_email"
- inputText: "fun@k9mail.example"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_description"
- inputText: "Personal"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_name"
- inputText: "Demo User"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/done"
- tapOn:
id: "com.android.permissioncontroller:id/permission_allow_button"
- tapOn: "Navigate up"
- tapOn: "Settings"
- tapOn: "Add account"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_email"
- inputText: "serious@k9mail.example"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/next"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/account_description"
- inputText: "Work"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/done"
- tapOn: "Navigate up"
- tapOn: "Turing Awards"
- swipe:
direction: DOWN
- tapOn: "More options"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/title"
index: 1
- tapOn:
id: "android:id/button1"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/contact_picture"
index: 0
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/subject"
index: 1
- tapOn: "Mark unread"
- tapOn:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/subject"
index: 2
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/message_list_multi_select"
- back
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/reading_folder_view"
- scrollUntilVisible:
id: "com.fsck.k9.debug:id/subject"
text: "The Humble Programmer"
direction: DOWN
timeout: 5000
- tapOn: "The Humble Programmer"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- takeScreenshot: "user-manual/screenshots/reading_email_view"

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# User Manual Tooling
This directory contains scripts to automate creating screenshots for the [user manual](https://docs.k9mail.app/) whose
source can be found in the [k9mail-docs](https://github.com/k9mail/k9mail-docs) repository.
## Requirements
- [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/)
- [Maestro](https://maestro.mobile.dev/)
- [ImageMagick](https://imagemagick.org/)'s `convert` command line tool
## Usage
1. Start an emulator with the following configuration:
- Device: Pixel 2
- Size: 1080x1920
- Density: 420 dpi
- API 33 "Android 13.0 (Google APIs)" - not "… (Google Play)"
2. Run `./build_images.sh`
This will enable [System UI Demo Mode](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/packages/SystemUI/docs/demo_mode.md)
on the emulator, run the Maestro flows `ui-flows/screenshots/user_manual*` to record screenshots, then run a
post-processing step on the screenshots.
3. The final images can be found in the `output` directory. Copy as necessary to the
[k9mail-docs](https://github.com/k9mail/k9mail-docs) repository.

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
set -e
SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
# Enable and configure SystemUI demo mode
adb shell settings put global sysui_demo_allowed 1
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.systemui.demo -e command enter
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.systemui.demo -e command clock -e hhmm 1200
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.systemui.demo -e command network -e wifi show -e level 4
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.systemui.demo -e command network -e mobile show -e level 4 -e datatype lte
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.systemui.demo -e command battery -e level 100 -e plugged false
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.systemui.demo -e command notifications -e visible false
pushd "${SCRIPT_PATH}/.."
# Build and install app
./gradlew :app:k9mail:installDebug
# Record screenshots
maestro test ui-flows/screenshots/user_manual_account_setup.yml
maestro test ui-flows/screenshots/user_manual_accounts.yml
maestro test ui-flows/screenshots/user_manual_reading.yml
# Post-process screenshots

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
set -e
SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
mkdir -p output/setup/img/
cp screenshots/welcome_screen.png output/setup/img/
mkdir -p output/accounts/img/
cp screenshots/account_setup_* output/accounts/img/
cp screenshots/drawer_account_list.png output/accounts/img/
# Adding another account
convert screenshots/drawer_one_account.png -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 20,1750 820,1840" output/accounts/img/drawer_settings_highlight.png
convert screenshots/settings_one_account.png -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 20,580 1060,690" output/accounts/img/settings_add_account_highlight.png
# Switching between multiple accounts
convert screenshots/unified_inbox.png -crop 1080x660+0+0 -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 20,85 130,190" output/accounts/img/message_list_drawer_button_highlight.png
convert screenshots/drawer_two_accounts.png -crop 1080x650+0+0 -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 720,360 815,455" output/accounts/img/drawer_account_switcher_highlight.png
# Removing an account
convert screenshots/drawer_two_accounts.png -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 20,1750 820,1840" output/accounts/img/drawer_two_accounts_settings_highlight.png
convert screenshots/settings_two_accounts.png -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 20,580 1060,735" output/accounts/img/settings_second_account_highlight.png
convert screenshots/account_settings.png -crop 1080x485+0+0 -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 980,85 1060,190" output/accounts/img/account_settings_menu_highlight.png
convert screenshots/account_settings_menu_expanded.png -crop 1080x485+0+0 -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 570,110 1050,210" output/accounts/img/account_settings_remove_account_highlight.png
# Reading mail
mkdir -p output/reading/img/
cp screenshots/reading_folder_view.png output/reading/img/
cp screenshots/reading_email_view.png output/reading/img/
# Unified Inbox
convert screenshots/unified_inbox.png -crop 1080x882+0+0 -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 176,238 207,756" output/reading/img/unified_inbox_account_chip_highlight.png
convert screenshots/drawer_account_list.png -crop 1080x890+0+0 -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 25,515 163,864" output/reading/img/drawer_account_list_account_image_highlight.png
# Managing mail
convert screenshots/message_list_multi_select.png -crop 1080x1110+0+0 output/reading/img/managing_multiselect.png
convert screenshots/message_list_multi_select.png -crop 1080x139+0+64 -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 606,24 1062,116" output/reading/img/reading_actionbar_options.png