#ifndef CUTILS_LOG_H_ #define CUTILS_LOG_H_ #include #define log_error(...) log_print (LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with level error */ #define log_warn(...) log_print (LOG_LEVEL_WARN, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with level warning */ #define log_info(...) log_print (LOG_LEVEL_INFO, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with level info */ #define log_ok(...) log_print (LOG_LEVEL_OK, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with level ok */ #define log_debug(...) log_print (LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with level debug */ #define log_error_fl(...) log_print_fl (LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with the current file and line and log level error */ #define log_warn_fl(...) log_print_fl (LOG_LEVEL_WARN, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with the current file and line and log level warning */ #define log_info_fl(...) log_print_fl (LOG_LEVEL_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with the current file and line and log level info */ #define log_ok_fl(...) log_print_fl (LOG_LEVEL_OK, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with the current file and line and log level ok */ #define log_debug_fl(...) log_print_fl (LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) /* print a log message with the current file and line and log level debug */ typedef enum { LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_OK, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, } log_level_t; __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) void log_print (log_level_t type, const char *fmt, ...); /* print a log message with given log level and format */ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5))) void log_print_fl (log_level_t type, const char *file, size_t line, const char *fmt, ...); /* print a log message with given log level and format, and add the filename and line that it was called in */ #endif // CUTILS_LOG_H_