rm: typia-proof-of-concept

This commit is contained in:
thetek 2024-04-03 12:24:11 +02:00
parent 1e45747ab5
commit ae811da9ac
5 changed files with 0 additions and 163 deletions

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# Typia Proof of Concept
## Running
yarn run demo
## Resources
- Typia: [Repository](https://github.com/samchon/typia), [Documentation](https://typia.io/docs/)

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"name": "typia-proof-of-concept",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"ts-node": "^10.9.2",
"ts-patch": "^3.1.2",
"typescript": "5.4.2"
"dependencies": {
"typia": "^5.5.7"
"scripts": {
"prepare": "ts-patch install && typia patch",
"demo": "tsc && node dist/index.js"

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@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
import typia, { tags } from "typia";
/* type definitions */
type User = {
username: string & tags.MinLength<4> & tags.MaxLength<16>, // string with minimum and maximum length
birthdate: DateString, // custom type that also has constrains added to it
pets: Pet[] & tags.MinItems<1>, // bounds for number of items in list
favouriteTvSeries?: string, // optional properties
// custom type
type DateString = string & tags.Format<"date">;
type Cat = {
animalType: "cat", // `animalType` can only be "cat", "dog" or "bird"
numberOfLivesLeft: number & tags.Type<"uint32"> & tags.Maximum<9>, // integer and maximum value constrains
type Dog = {
animalType: "dog",
favouriteDogFoodBrand?: string,
type Bird = {
animalType: "bird",
type Pet = (Cat | Dog | Bird) & {
name: string,
// other possibilities:
// - other built-in formats: email, uuid, url, json pointers, ...
// - check string for regex pattern
// - completely custom constraints for tags
/* json samples */
// valid
const SAMPLE_1 = `{
"username": "meyer.sepp",
"birthdate": "1983-03-28",
"pets": [
{ "animalType": "cat", "name": "Kittykatty", "numberOfLivesLeft": 5 },
{ "animalType": "dog", "name": "Olaf", "favouriteDogFoodBrand": "DogGo!" },
{ "animalType": "bird", "name": "Lori" },
{ "animalType": "bird", "name": "Flori" }
"favouriteTvSeries": "The Office"
// missing property `birthdate`
const SAMPLE_2 = `{
"username": "foofa",
"pets": [
{ "animalType": "dog", "name": "Ludwig" }
// additional property `id`
const SAMPLE_3 = `{
"id": 42,
"username": "IcyToothPaste",
"birthdate": "2001-08-08",
"pets": [
{ "animalType": "cat", "name": "Susi", "numberOfLivesLeft": 9 },
{ "animalType": "cat", "name": "Lolo", "numberOfLivesLeft": 8 }
// incorrect values: too short username, malformatted date, invalid
// `animalType`, incorrect value for `numberOfLivesLeft`
const SAMPLE_4 = `{
"username": "qux",
"birthdate": "04/32/1947",
"pets": [
{ "animalType": "turtle", "name": "Schildi" },
{ "animalType": "cat", "name": "Felix", "numberOfLivesLeft": 11 }
/* validation */
const validator = typia.createValidateEquals<User>();
for (const idx in SAMPLES) {
const json = SAMPLES[idx];
const parsed = JSON.parse(json);
const validationResult = validator(parsed);
if (validationResult.success) {
console.log(`sample ${idx + 1}: success`);
// here, we can retrieve the actual `User` object with:
// const user = validationResult.data;
} else {
console.log(`sample ${idx + 1}: failure`);
for (const error of validationResult.errors) {
console.log(` - ${error.path}, expected ${error.expected}, found value ${error.value}`);

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2016",
"module": "commonjs",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"strict": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"rootDir": "src/",
"outDir": "dist/",
"plugins": [
"transform": "typia/lib/transform"
"strictNullChecks": true
"include": [