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thetek 52eeb96c9e
♻️ refactor code (#13)
* 🔥 remove api dir

* ♻ refactor ui → start
2021-05-08 19:30:22 +02:00

214 lines
7.0 KiB

function dnswatch_search() {
// get domain
var domain = document.getElementById('dnswatch-search').value.toLowerCase();
// test if domain is invalid
if (!is_valid_domain(domain)) {
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = '<table></table>';
document.getElementById('invaliddomain').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('invaliddomain').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('invaliddomain').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById('invaliddomain').style.display = 'none';
// activate spinner
document.getElementById('loadani').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('loadani').style.display = 'block';
// send api request
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('POST', 'https://dns-watch.org/lookup', true);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
var response = JSON.parse(this.response);
if (response['type'] == 'success') { // success
var table = '<table>\n';
//// reference dns
let first_ref = true;
response['data']['reference'].forEach(i => {
table += gen_tablerow({
status_color: 'ref',
status_icon: get_status_icon(i['status']),
dns_icon: i['icon'],
dns_name: i['name'],
dns_address: i['address'],
desc_color: 'ref',
desc_text: 'reference',
show_help: first_ref,
help_type: 'reference'
first_ref = false;
table += '</table>';
// randomized response message
if (response['data']['randomized_response']) {
table += '<small class="random">This domain uses randomized responses. <button onclick="show_modal(\'random\')">Learn more</button></small>\n';
if (response['data']['found']) { // only if reference confirms
table += '<table><tr></tr>\n'; // spacer
//// search rows
let causes = [];
response['data']['search'].forEach(i => {
table += gen_tablerow({
status_color: get_status_color(i['status']),
status_icon: get_status_icon(i['status']),
dns_icon: i['icon'],
dns_name: i['name'],
dns_address: i['address'],
desc_color: i['cause'] !== null ? 'blocked': '',
desc_text: get_blocked_text(i['cause']),
show_help: i['cause'] !== null && !causes.includes(i['cause']),
help_type: 'blocked-' + i['cause']
if (i['cause'] !== null) causes.push(i['cause'])
table += '</table>';
} else { // no success
if (response['error'] == 'malformed_domain') { // invalid domain - should not happen, but just in case i guess
var table = '<table></table>';
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = '<table></table>';
document.getElementById('invaliddomain').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('invaliddomain').style.display = 'block';
} else {
var table = '<table>\n';
table += gen_tablerow({
status_color: 'cross',
status_icon: 'x',
dns_icon: 'x',
dns_name: `ERROR: ${ response['error'] }`,
dns_address: '',
desc_color: 'ref',
desc_text: '',
show_help: false,
help_type: ''
table += '</table>';
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = table;
// deactivate spinner
document.getElementById('loadani').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById('loadani').style.display = 'none';
request.send(`domain=${ window.btoa(domain) }`);
function is_valid_domain(str) {
let regex = /^([a-z0-9\-]{1,64}\.){1,16}[a-z0-9]{2,}$/;
return regex.test(str);
function gen_tablerow(options) {
return `
<td class="status ${ options.status_color }"><i data-feather="${ options.status_icon }"></i></td>
<td class="icon"><img class="uncolored-svg" src="${ options.dns_icon }"></td>
<td class="name">${ options.dns_name }<small>${ options.dns_address }</small></td>
<td class="desc ${ options.desc_color }">${ options.desc_text }</td>
${ options.show_help ? '<td class="help"><button onclick="show_modal(\''+options.help_type+'\')"><i data-feather="help-circle"></i></button></td>' : '' }
function get_status_color(status) {
if (status === true) return 'check'
if (status === false) return 'cross'
return 'offline'
function get_status_icon(status) {
if (status === true) return 'check'
if (status === false) return 'x'
return 'wifi-off'
function get_blocked_text(cause) {
if (cause == 'cuii') return 'blocked by cuii'
if (cause !== null) return `bocked: ${cause}`
return ''
function show_modal(type) {
let msg;
switch (type) {
case 'search':
msg = '<b>dns-watch.org</b> is a service that allows you to see how (mainly German) Internet Service Providers (ISPs) deal with Internet censorship. <a href="/why">More Information</a><br>In order to test a website for availability, enter the domain into the search bar and press Enter.<br><span>Try out these examples if you are unsure: gnu.org, wikipedia.org, s.to</span>';
case 'reference':
msg = 'In order to validate the DNS responses, we use <b>references</b>.<br>These references are from trustworthy DNS providers, such as Cloudflare or UncensoredDNS.<br>The responses of the DNS providers that should be tested (located in the bottom table) will be compared to the results from the references.'
case 'blocked-cuii':
msg = 'This ISP (and all others with the same error message) blocked the request on behalf of <b>CUII</b>.<br>CUII is a German institution that censors parts of the Internet because of so-called copyright claims.<br>For more information about the CUII, read our <a href="/why">Why?</a> page.'
case 'random':
msg = 'This domain uses <b>randomized responses</b>.<br>Some websites return different IP addresses for load balancing.<br>Therefore, dns-watch.org can\'t compare the results of these DNS responses and will only check for common blocking patterns.'
msg = `It seems like something happend that shouldn\'t have happened!<br><span>Dialog message type: ${ type }</span>`
document.getElementById('modal-message').innerHTML = msg
document.getElementById('modal').style.display = 'block'
function close_modal() {
document.getElementById('modal').style.display = 'none'
// add event triggers
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
document.getElementById('dnswatch-search-submit').addEventListener('click', (event) => {
document.getElementById('dnswatch-search').addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
window.onclick = function (event) {
if (event.target == document.getElementById('modal'))