mirror of https://github.com/thunderbird/thunderbird-android.git synced 2024-09-19 19:52:14 +02:00
2024-07-25 12:38:14 +02:00

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Create K-9 Mail releases

One-time setup

  1. Create a .signing folder in the root of the Git repository, if it doesn't exist yet.
  2. Download the k9-release-signing.jks and k9.release.signing.properties files from 1Password and place them in the .signing folder.

Example <app>.<realeaseType>.signing.properties file:

<app>.<releaseType>.storeFile=<path to keystore '../.signing/k9mail.jks'>
  • <app> is the short name of the app, e.g. k9
  • <releaseType> is the type of release, e.g. release

One-time setup for F-Droid builds

  1. Install fdroidserver by following the installation instructions.
    1. On MacOS, it's best to install the latest version from source, because the version in Homebrew has some issues.
      1. Install the android command line tools if not available already.
        brew install --cask android-commandlinetools
      2. Install latest fdroidserver from source:
        python -m venv fdroidserver-env
        source fdroidserver-env/bin/activate
        pip install git+https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git
      3. To use fdroidserver from the command line, you need to activate the virtual environment before each use:
        source fdroidserver-env/bin/activate
      4. To deactivate the virtual environment:
  2. Sign up for a Gitlab account and fork the fdroiddata repository.
  3. Clone your fork of the fdroiddata repository.

Release a beta version

  1. Update versionCode and versionName in app-k9mail/build.gradle.kts
  2. Create change log entries in
    • app/ui/legacy/src/main/res/raw/changelog_master.xml
    • app-metadata/com.fsck.k9/en-US/changelogs/${versionCode}.txt Use past tense. Try to keep them high level. Focus on the user (experience).
  3. Update the metadata link to point to K-9 Mail's data: ln --symbolic --no-dereference --force app-metadata/com.fsck.k9 metadata
  4. Commit the changes. Message: "Version $versionName"
  5. Run ./gradlew clean :app-k9mail:assembleRelease --no-build-cache --no-configuration-cache
  6. Update an existing installation to make sure the app is signed with the proper key and runs on a real device.
    adb install -r app-k9mail/build/outputs/apk/release/app-k9mail-release.apk
  7. Tag as $versionName, e.g. 6.508
  8. Copy app-k9mail/build/outputs/apk/release/app-k9mail-release.apk as k9-${versionName}.apk to Google Drive (MZLA Team > K9 > APKs)
  9. Change versionName in app-k9mail/build.gradle.kts to next version name followed by -SNAPSHOT
  10. Commit the changes. Message: "Prepare for version $newVersionName"
  11. Update gh-pages branch with the new change log
  12. Push main branch
  13. Push tags
  14. Push gh-pages branch

Create release on GitHub

  1. Go to https://github.com/thunderbird/thunderbird-android/tags and select the appropriate tag
  2. Click "Create release from tag"
  3. Fill out the form
    • Click "Generate release notes"
    • Replace contents under "What's changed" with change log entries
    • Add GitHub handles in parentheses to change log entries
    • If necessary, add another entry "Internal changes" (or similar) so people who contributed changes outside of the entries mentioned in the change log can be mentioned via GitHub handle.
    • Attach the APK
    • Select "Set as a pre-release"
    • Click "Publish release"

Create release on F-Droid

  1. Fetch the latest changes from the fdroiddata repository.

  2. Switch to a new branch in your copy of the fdroiddata repository.

  3. Edit metadata/com.fsck.k9.yml to create a new entry for the version you want to release. Usually it's copy & paste of the previous entry and adjusting versionName, versionCode, and commit (use the tag name). Leave CurrentVersion and CurrentVersionCode unchanged. Those specify which version is the stable/recommended build.


    - versionName: "${versionName}"
      versionCode: ${versionCode}
      commit: "${tagName}"
      subdir: app-k9mail
        - yes
        - build-plugin/build
  4. Commit the changes. Message: "Update K-9 Mail to $newVersionName (beta)"

  5. Run fdroid build --latest com.fsck.k9 to build the project using F-Droid's toolchain.

  6. Push the changes to your fork of the fdroiddata repository.

  7. Open a merge request on Gitlab. (The message from the server after the push in the previous step should contain a URL)

  8. Select the App update template and fill it out.

  9. Create merge request and the F-Droid team will do the rest.

Create release on Google Play

  1. Go to the Google Play Console
  2. Select the K-9 Mail app
  3. Click on Open testing in the left sidebar
  4. Click on Create new release
  5. Upload the APK to App bundles
  6. Fill out Release name (e.g. "$versionCode ($versionName)")
  7. Fill out Release notes (copy from app-metadata/com.fsck.k9/en-US/changelogs/${versionCode}.txt)
  8. Click Next
  9. Review the release
  10. Configure a full rollout for beta versions
  11. On the Publishing overview page, click Send change for review
  12. Wait for the review to complete
  13. In case of a rejection, fix the issues and repeat the process

Release a stable version

When the team decides the main branch is stable enough and it's time to release a new stable version, create a new maintenance branch (off main) using the desired version number with the last two digits dropped followed by -MAINT. Example: 6.8-MAINT when the first stable release is K-9 Mail 6.800.

Ideally the first stable release contains no code changes when compared to the last beta version built from main. That way the new release won't contain any changes that weren't exposed to user testing in a beta version before.

  1. Switch to the appropriate maintenance branch, e.g. 6.8-MAINT
  2. Update versionCode and versionName in app-k9mail/build.gradle.kts (stable releases use an even digit after the dot, e.g. 5.400, 6.603)
  3. Create change log entries in
    • app/ui/legacy/src/main/res/raw/changelog_master.xml
    • app-k9mail/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/${versionCode}.txt Use past tense. Try to keep them high level. Focus on the user (experience).
  4. Update the metadata link to point to K-9 Mail's data: ln --symbolic --no-dereference --force app-metadata/com.fsck.k9 metadata
  5. Commit the changes. Message: "Version $versionName"
  6. Run ./gradlew clean :app-k9mail:assembleRelease --no-build-cache --no-configuration-cache
  7. Update an existing installation to make sure the app is signed with the proper key and runs on a real device.
    adb install -r app-k9mail/build/outputs/apk/release/app-k9mail-release.apk
  8. Tag as $versionName, e.g. 6.800
  9. Copy app-k9mail/build/outputs/apk/release/app-k9mail-release.apk as k9-${versionName}.apk to Google Drive (MZLA Team > K9 > APKs)
  10. Update gh-pages branch with the new change log. Create a new file if it's the first stable release in a series.
  11. Push maintenance branch
  12. Push tags
  13. Push gh-pages branch

Create release on GitHub

  1. Go to https://github.com/thunderbird/thunderbird-android/tags and select the appropriate tag
  2. Click "Create release from tag"
  3. Fill out the form
    • Click "Generate release notes"
    • Replace contents under "What's changed" with change log entries
    • Add GitHub handles in parentheses to change log entries
    • If necessary, add another entry "Internal changes" (or similar) so people who contributed changes outside of the entries mentioned in the change log can be mentioned via GitHub handle.
    • Attach the APK
    • Select "Set as the latest release"
    • Click "Publish release"

Create release on F-Droid

  1. Fetch the latest changes from the fdroiddata repository.

  2. Switch to a new branch in your copy of the fdroiddata repository.

  3. Edit metadata/com.fsck.k9.yml to create a new entry for the version you want to release. Usually it's copy & paste of the previous entry and adjusting versionName, versionCode, and commit (use the tag name). Change CurrentVersion and CurrentVersionCode to the new values, making this the new stable/recommended build.


    - versionName: "${versionName}"
      versionCode: ${versionCode}
      commit: "${tagName}"
      subdir: app-k9mail
        - yes
        - build-plugin/build
  4. Commit the changes. Message: "Update K-9 Mail to $newVersionName"

  5. Run fdroid build --latest com.fsck.k9 to build the project using F-Droid's toolchain.

  6. Push the changes to your fork of the fdroiddata repository.

  7. Open a merge request on Gitlab. (The message from the server after the push in the previous step should contain a URL)

  8. Select the App update template and fill it out.

  9. Create merge request and the F-Droid team will do the rest.

Create release on Google Play

  1. Go to the Google Play Console
  2. Select the K-9 Mail app
  3. Click on Production in the left sidebar
  4. Click on Create new release
  5. Upload the APK to App bundles
  6. Fill out Release name (e.g. "$versionCode ($versionName)")
  7. Fill out Release notes (copy from app-k9mail/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/${versionCode}.txt)
  8. Click Next
  9. Review the release
  10. Start with a staged rollout (usually 20%)
  11. On the Publishing overview page, click Send change for review
  12. Wait for the review to complete
  13. In case of a rejection, fix the issues and repeat the process
  14. Once the review is complete, monitor the staged rollout for issues and increase the rollout percentage as necessary



If the app doesn't show up in the F-Droid client:

  • Check the build cycle, maybe you just missed it and it will be available in the next cycle. (The cycle is usually every 5 days.)
  • Check F-Droid Status for any issues.
  • Check F-Droid Monitor for any errors mentioning com.fsck.k9.